Sehanine Character in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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the Lady of Dreams

Sehanine is a goddess whose domain encompasses the moon, dreams, divination, and the mysteries of the night. She is often depicted as an ethereal and enigmatic figure, cloaked in moonlight, with a serene and otherworldly presence. Her symbol typically incorporates a crescent moon or a silver star.   As the Lady of Dreams, Sehanine is revered by those who seek guidance in matters of prophecy, visions, and the exploration of the subconscious mind. Her influence is felt in the silvery glow of moonlight, the serenity of the night, and the magic of divination. Sehanine's followers often believe that dreams hold hidden truths and that the moon's phases can reveal the ebb and flow of destiny.   Sehanine's dogma emphasizes the importance of intuition, dreams, and the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment. Her followers include seers, diviners, mystics, and those who turn to her for guidance in navigating the uncertainties of life. Temples dedicated to Sehanine often serve as places of quiet contemplation and the study of celestial patterns.   In the Ministry Divine, Sehanine is a goddess who represents the mysteries of the night and the power of dreams to reveal hidden truths. Characters who follow Sehanine often seek to unlock the secrets of the cosmos, harness the magic of divination, and find their own path to enlightenment through introspection and spiritual exploration. Sehanine is a goddess who symbolizes the deep connection between the mortal realm and the mysteries of the universe, guided by the gentle light of the moon.   Sehanine, known as the Moonlit Guardian, stands as an esteemed consort god to Arhah the Life Bringer. Sehanine represents the domains of the moon, dreams, and protection, complementing Arhah's realm of life, growth, and vitality. Sehanine's divine presence adds a layer of mystical protection and guidance to Arhah's benevolent influence. As the guardian of dreams and the moon's soothing light, Sehanine watches over the realm of life, ensuring that all living beings find solace and security in their dreams and under the moon's gentle gaze.
Holy Symbol



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