Shar Character in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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the Nightsinger

Shar is a goddess who embodies darkness, loss, and the mysteries of the night. She is often depicted as a shadowy and enigmatic figure, cloaked in darkness, with starry voids for eyes. Her symbol typically incorporates a black disk with a deep violet border, symbolizing the all-encompassing night.   As the Nightsinger, Shar is revered by those who seek solace in the depths of darkness, secrets, and the inevitability of loss. Her influence is felt in the darkest hours of night, the hidden truths that elude discovery, and the sorrow that accompanies the passage of time. Shar's followers often believe that the night holds hidden knowledge and that darkness is the ultimate truth.   Shar's dogma emphasizes the inevitability of darkness, the futility of hope, and the acceptance of loss. Her followers include nihilists, assassins, and those who embrace the power of shadows and secrecy. Temples dedicated to Shar often serve as places of clandestine gatherings and the worship of the mysteries hidden within the night.   In the Ministry Divine, Shar is a goddess who represents the darker aspects of the cosmos, offering an alternative to the more benevolent gods and deities. Characters who follow Shar often embrace the path of shadows, seeking to uncover hidden truths and navigate the inevitability of darkness in a world filled with challenges and secrets. Shar is a goddess who symbolizes the mysteries and enigmas of the night, guiding those who dare to explore the depths of her shadowy domain.   Shar assumes the role of consort goddess to Oolene the Void Mistress, known as the Whispering Wind and Moonshadow. Shar, bearing the title of the Eternal Abyss, embodies domains like darkness, shadow, secrets, and the mysteries that shroud the night. This divine partnership intertwines the obscure and enigmatic aspects of night and the void. In harmony with Oolene, the Void Mistress, Shar's influence extends to the shrouded secrets of the night. Together, they hold dominion over the veiled realms, both literal and metaphorical, where hidden truths and unfathomable mysteries abide.
Holy Symbol

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