Sune Character in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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Lady Firehair

Sune is a goddess who personifies beauty, love, passion, and desire. She is often depicted as a stunning and alluring figure with flowing, fiery hair and radiant features.   As the Lady Fair, Sune is revered by those who seek to celebrate and embrace the pleasures of love, art, and aesthetic beauty. Her influence is felt in acts of romantic love, artistic inspiration, and the pursuit of physical and emotional attraction. Sune's followers often view her as a muse of the heart, guiding them in matters of love and desire.   Sune's dogma emphasizes the importance of love, self-expression, and the pursuit of beauty in all its forms. Her followers include artists, poets, lovers, and those who celebrate the passionate aspects of life. Temples dedicated to Sune often serve as places of artistic appreciation and romantic devotion, where individuals can seek inspiration and guidance in matters of the heart.   In the Ministry Divine, Sune is a goddess who symbolizes the transformative power of love and the beauty that exists in both art and the world. Characters who follow Sune often prioritize love, self-expression, and the pursuit of aesthetic pleasures, making her a source of inspiration and guidance in a world filled with both passion and challenges. Sune is a goddess who celebrates the radiant and uplifting aspects of life and love, offering a guiding light for those who seek to bask in its warmth.   Sune takes on the unique role of consort goddess to Oolene the Void Mistress. Revered as the Heartweaver, Sune embodies domains like love, beauty, passion, and the ethereal aspects of the cosmos. This divine union intertwines the captivating and seductive facets of emotion and desire with the profound mysteries of the cosmos. The union between Sune and Oolene, the Void Mistress, bridges the realms of passion and the mysterious void, creating a divine partnership that celebrates the allure of the unknown.
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