Umberlee Character in Edrazion, Beyond the Veil | World Anvil
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the Bitch Queen

Umberlee is a goddess who personifies the capricious and treacherous essence of the sea and the Vast. She is often depicted as a formidable and vengeful figure, resembling a mermaid with a stern and unforgiving countenance. Her symbol often incorporates waves crashing against each other, symbolizing her mastery over oceans and the dangers they hold.   As the Bitch Queen, Umberlee holds a special place in the hearts of pirates, sailors of the high seas, starship crew, and those who navigate the unpredictable waters of the cosmos. Pirates in particular revere and fear her as the ultimate arbiter of their fates. Her influence is felt in the fury of raging storms, the hidden perils of the deep, and the fickle tides of fortune that pirates encounter.   Umberlee's dogma emphasizes the significance of respecting the sea's might, placating her wrath with offerings, and acknowledging that the ocean can either provide bounteous treasures or claim lives with ruthless indifference. Her followers often include pirate crews who beseech her favor before embarking on perilous raids. Temples devoted to Umberlee can be found in pirate havens, where sailors and pirates alike seek her protection and benevolence.   In the Ministry Divine, Umberlee is a goddess whose dominion over the sea and the Vast deeply influences the lives and choices of pirates. Pirates navigate a perilous path, knowing that their fortunes and survival on the high seas hinge upon the ever-changing whims of the Bitch Queen. Umberlee is the embodiment of the tempestuous and unforgiving nature of the sea, a force both respected and feared by those who sail under her watchful gaze.   Umberlee is recognized as the consort goddess to Manem the Cosmic Chaos. This divine partnership melds the elements of cosmic chaos and the unpredictable forces of the seas, creating a union that shapes the fate of sailors, adventurers, and those who dare to venture into the watery abyss (and the vast 'waters' of the cosmos above). The divine partnership between Manem the Cosmic Chaos and Umberlee, the Tempest Queen, symbolizes the dual aspects of chaos and order present in the natural world. They inspire their devotees to navigate the turbulent waters of life with courage and adaptability, embracing the uncertainty that comes with traversing the cosmic and aquatic realms.
Holy Symbol

Current Location


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