Elisabeth Adlvald

Duchess Elisabeth of House Adalvald

Blooded Noble

Dean of the Royal University, Owner of the Acts Theatre

  Elisabeth Adalvald is a blooded noble"> and human female of thirty three winters. A statuesque female with flowing brown hair with royal waves, and soothing brown eyes. As Matriarch of House Adalvald, Duchess of the Gothmyrran Court, and Dean Mistress of the Gothmyrran Royal University, Elisabeth has intelligence far beyond her years. Elisabeth is driven, calculating and a tactician the could rival most other kings or warlords.

Elisabeth was born of the Adalvald bloodline as their house was ascending in the noble circles. Her father was a Master Dean of the Royal University while her mother funded, built and ran the first Acts Theater. She inherited both positions and consolidated the House Adalvald's fortune, doubling it with the approval of her elder father, before his death.

Duchess Elisabeth was trained early in the royal university and learned multiple languages. Her tutelage in politics and ambassadorship brought her to the top of her class. She graduated and was gifted Land southeast of Gothmyr, which she turned into a farm with on land servant housing. Her carrots were grown with the help of a druid who maintains her farm as a guardian. Her family name is linked to magical carrots of various colors and flavors. She has doubled her family fortune in three seasons.

  Once her father finally passed, Elisabeth founded a Scholarship for politicians and ambassadors learning at the Royal University in his name. This brought the attention of Prince Jeggred and she was accepted as a member of the Council of Eight. Elisabeth has taken to the position with zeal, helping the city, making decisions to run the city of Kings Watch.

  Elisabeth is a Blood Noble, but her eyes are open to the changes of the face of Nobility in Kings Watch. New coin Nobles are often times promoted and approved by House Adalvald, which puts Elisabeth at odds with some of the old Blood Noble Houses.



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