Nobles of Kings Watch



The Nobility of Kings Watch and all of Gothmyr is a strange entity. Nobles runs things from orchards and farms, to public services and businesses. Nobles have the old money that is usually born into , which gives the the term "blooded". They have nobility in their blood and their familial bloodline stems from nobility. Other nobility come from new money, or coin. They are those who clawed and scraped their way into nobility with the purchase of their title and their holdings in Gothmyr give them a level above that of a commoner. These types of Nobles are called "Coin" Nobles. They have bought their "chair to the Nobles table", and use their money to keep themselves in that higher status. These include, Business owners and industry leaders, but always, they are some kind of Guildleader. All Coin Nobles are some form of a leader or spokesperson for a guild.
Blooded Nobility see the Coin Nobles as cretins, and those riding the wave of fortune. often calling the coin Nobles 'temporary' nobles because one bad business decision would tumble them back into the mass of commoners they climbed out of. Coin Nobles consider themselves new Nobles but more deserving than the Blooded, because they earned their right to sit at the table of nobility, while the Bloodeds merely were born with their silver spoon. Many a noble house on both sides have been torn asunder from infighting with an opposing noble house type, due to an offense said or even inferred. Nobles on both sides will go to no length to defame their opponent or one who had insulted them, often times at the end of a house to house conflict slinking back copperless, into the rank of commoner.

Gothmyr is ruled by Prince Jeggred. The throne of Kings Watch protects the nation from the outside, and keep peace within the nation's borders. Prince Jeggred also rules the capitol, Kings Watch, but allows a council of nobles to run the day-to-day activities of the city. With a city as large as Kings Watch, it is nearly impossible to have one person run the entire sprawling metropolis. The ruling council in Kings Watch has been titled "The Council of Eight". The council currently, has a mix of both Blooded nobles and Coin nobles, which are always at each other's throats. Prince Jeggred allows slight infighting and confrontation, because it helps build industry competition and allows others to explain their viewpoints.

Current Standing Council of Eight:
  • Prince Jeggred Von Luen- Prince and ruler of Gothmyr
  • Dutchess Elisabeth of House Adalvald"> - Blooded - Dean of the Royal University, Owner of the Acts Theatre
  • Duke General Sigmund Helmhad II - Blooded - Master General of the Military Academy, Owner of Helmhad Mines
  • General Rhogar Bosogeld - Blooded - Mintmaster General of the Treasury, Family built the City Prison
  • High Vicar Velmut Von Ernstwulf - Blooded - High Cleric, Family esablished First Church of Kings Watch
  • Master Verlineer Silverhands of Lygo - Coin - Guildleader of Silverhands Smiths. Owner of the Silver Lumber Yard
  • Mistress Hilde Irmin of Southgate - Coin - Guildmistress of Irmin Trade Company. Guildmistress of Sweepers guild
  • Lady Ananta'nyr Darquenwald - Coin - Guildmistress of Kings Watch Winery. Guildmistress of Golden Needle Textiles
  • Lord Otto Oswald Lambrecht- Coin - Guildmaster of Couriers Guild. Owner of Haffensteak Slaughterhouse


There are roughly one hundred fifteen families of Blood-born nobility within the walls of Kings Watch. There are another sixty-four blooded noble families from other nations living in Kings Watch as ambassadors in some form or another. This is a list of a few of those notable Blooded Noble Families:

  • Lord Anton of House Brumwald -
  • Lord Johanne of House Vekkhaus -
  • Lady Merye of House Ebershotten -
  • Lady Veseryeen of House Elderwild -
  • Lord Emanuel of House Weber -
  • Lord Donal of House Fischer -
  • Lady Hildagard of House Goldshield -
  • Lord Fredrich of House Meier-Konig -
  • Lord Kunar of House Ironhuber -
  • Lady Sashanette of House Oakenmayer -
  • Lord Franz of House Hardstein -
  • Lady Darrien of House Swartzfuchs -
  • Lord Krause of House Schulte -
  • Lord Cornelius of House Ludwig -
  • Lady Hogerra of House Steelbeard -
  • Lord Jonathan of House Englemer -
  • Lord Helwur of House Brandt -
  • Lady Mellrylia of House Stillvater -
  • Lord Michael of House Seidelgraf -


  • Master Rondo of House Albrecht -
  • Mistress Veleria of House Saurdel -
  • Mistress Soelie of House Wolfburg -
  • Master Adrian of House Voigt -
  • Master Dunnum of House Copperaxe -
  • Master Deter of House Darkenbow -
  • Mistress Serryliea of House Everwillow -
  • Mistress Pelentire of House Cooperson -
  • Master Hans of House Brewsroth -
  • Master Lang of House Sujimoto -
  • Mistress Jin of House Akimatsu -
  • Master Orog of House Darktooth -
  • Master Shube of House Montego -
  • Mistress Antabella of House Drogo -
  • Master Gunther of House Firesteel -
  • Mistress Anna of House Aldonza -
  • Master Viggo of House Domenga -
  • Master Ivan of House Predimir -
  • Master Albash of House Bonami -


Becoming a noble is harder than one would think. It is possible, but the steps needed are arduous and difficult in the best of circumstances. First you must meet a level of taxes given to the crown to denote you as one of money. Once you have your city-notified status, Another Noble house must select your house for an "Award of Acknowledgement". You will be taken to the Council of Eight and prince Jeggred, where your award will become tangible in a writ. Once a writ has the Royal seal, You are given a Lord/ladyship. You are given a gold circlet to wear during public outings, denoting you as a noble. Once the Prince and Council elevate you to a noble-in-standing, Your position is temporary until the original noble family also put their family seal next to the royal seal. This can take years, but never more than three. Your family will be entrusted to serve the original Noble family for the duration, and often is expected to support the original noble family after your second seal is gifted.


Losing your nobility within Gothmyr and Kings Watch is a possibility. It happens almost monthly, as a family falls from grace and slinks back to the masses and becomes a commoner. Loss of money, and inability to pay your higher taxes, will result in loss of The Royal seal of Nobility. Often times The originating Noble house will revoke their second seal as punishment for a crime or offense by the smaller House. Nobles who are imprisoned with no one to lead the family will find their house and wealth taken by the Crown, given out to commoners. Offenses to the Crown, betrayal of Gothmyr politically, or economically will also revoke the Royal seal of nobility. Nobles who become commoner can fall at the feet of the Council of Eight and beg for redemption, or beseech another Noble family to represent them to regain a second seal.
Those of ex nobility will often times, move out of Gothmyr, and lease their land to another noble house to gain income to try to regain their riches. A Lot of smaller towns across Gothmyr are the hiding places of ex nobility who started over, gathering commoners to work their new lands, and offer protection, while they find running a small town of their own, often just as profitable.



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