General Rhogar Bosogeld

General Rhogar Bosogeld I


Blooded Noble

Mintmaster General of the Treasury, Family built the City Prison


  General Rhogar Bosogeld I IS a long lived Blooded noble of the Council of Eight. General Rhogar Is a man of few words. He thinks long and hard before he talks. His nobility comes off of him in an almost visible wave. With an age of seventy winters, his white hair and beard, always meticulously combed and groomed. His blue eysare still sharp as a man half his age, and his replaced golden teeth glint when he talks. He stands at a now slightly stooped 5'8'' and he keeps his hands tucked in his robes (to hide his aged liver spots). The man moves as if floating beneath his robes, and the ioun stone floating around his head glints in the daylight as all the other jewels the man prominently displays.  General Rhogar Runs many aspects of Gothmyr and has his hands in many of the pies that feed Gothmyr's nobles as well as commoners. 

  Lord Rhogar Bosogeld was born to a common Engineer father and engraver mother. He learned both professions and was selected to join the University. He rose in the ranks of his class and graduated with honors. His father was gifted the deal to design the royal prison and his mother was selected to join the guild that minted Gothmyr's newest coins. His family rose to prominence and upon completion of the prison, his father noticed a flaw in his superiors designs. Pointing this out got his father fired and hunted, but he was given audience with Prince Jeggred. The Prince listened and agreed, putting the men who hunted him and his family to exile, and The Boseogeld family was given royal decree of Nobility but prince Jeggred himself. This ennobled The Bosogeld family and made Rhogar a new Blooded Noble. Rhogar displayed prominent psionic activity and studied at the peak of the Gray Mountain, at the monestary of Graycloaks.

  General Rhogar Bosogeld I is a man who holds much sway within Gothmyr. His family is in charge of the royal mint. He is the royal treasurer and keeps the banks of Gothmyr flowing with gold and silver. He is credited with the latest gold coins, with the latest Prince's profile upon it. He has great artistic talent, and can be found painting in the royal gardens.  Often the man seems to know what people want, even before they approach him. His psionic skills are rarely matched, and can often be found floating alongside prince Jeggred in the royal castle.

  General Rhogar Bosogeld I has five sons. His eldest is Victor, of thirty two winters, who helps run the Royal Prison. His second eldest is Anton, who is a captain in the royal navy. His other three sons work in the treasury learning their family business of Minting. His Third wife and matriarch of the family is a court Baroness, involved with relations with the Iron Kingdoms.



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