Glangun Jearzana

Dwarven Stronghold

Dehur Jupa Mining Company


This Dwarven mine was established in the first month of the 4th Age and Glangun Jearzana has been yielding a steady supply of varied ores, gems, and precious metals ever since. Seven thousand dwarves of one hundred thirty-two clans escaped toward the mountains. Joining with a large contingent of sixteen hundred gnomes from destroyed river towns, the different clans traveled together, and discovered a large fissure releasing steam from the mountainside. It was soon developed into a sprawling underground complex with enormous caverns, cable trolleys, bridges, and several miles of winding tunnels.
The mine entrance can be found on the northeastern slopes of the Mendi Tontorra mountain range in Hepulchor, west of Cuedos on the north edge of Almozen County. (see the County map below)
"Upon seeing the destruction and wanton apathy to his creation of Edus, O'Hl became angered at his children. He knew of only one punishment fit to teach his wayward children the folly of their ways. The skies darkened to night, stars twinkled in the black sky as if night had fell, and large portal wavered in the skies. Huge dragons poured forth of every color imagined both of chromatic and metallic tones. These were not like the true dragons of old. These were aggressive, killing machines who's only goal was to punish O'Hl's children."
-The Scrolls of O'Hl, Chapter XXII, Age of Dragons
  In the first month of the 4th Age. As O'Hl opened the skies, and unleashed a new race of Dragons upon the surface. Seven thousand dwarves of one hundred thirty-two clans escaped toward the mountains. Joining with a large contingent of sixteen hundred gnomes from a destroyed town, the different clans traveled together, and discovered a large fissure releasing steam from the mountainside. The swarm of refugees were met by halfling clans that also lost their village to rampaging dragons. A truce and alliance was formed out of necessity, and soon, the mass of three races ventured into this fissure. They established the colony where the three races would survive the terror that was acted out, just above their heads.
Halflings were allowed to join the refugees, under the agreement, they would man the doors, protect the entrance with their lives, and their needs (food water) would be paid as thanks for their service. The dwarves also took guard duties, but each halfling was permitted only through the entry and into the first cavern dubbed Old Town, where they inhabit a small neighborhood in the northeast section. The gnomes followed the dwarves into the deeper and deeper sections. But as the dwarves stopped and claimed the ore-filled caverns and caves with precious metal veins as their own, the gnomes took to continuing west and ever downward where a variety of shiny gemstones were discovered. This bit of segregation fit all parties involved, as rituals/religion and traditions would not step upon others.
The known clans that can follow their documented bloodline back to the original refugee clans are:
  • Clan Lightstone "Paedrah-ligeron
  • Clan Fallenore "Kaedo-Rokan"
  • Clan Brokenhorn "Kuernoroton"
  • Clan Blackbanner "Pancart-Neg"
  • Clan Blackhammer "Martillo-Neg"
  • Clan Blackhill "Kolina-Neg"
  • Clan Blackshield
  • Clan Brightaxe
  • Clan Goldenhelm
  • Clan Greyaxe
  • Clan Ironbreaker
  • Clan Stonehammer
  • Clan Stoneseeker
  • Clan Stonespirit
  • Clan Thunderaxe
Many of these clans still have descendants within Glangun Jearzana and the clans nearest the top of this list, seem to be more authoritarian and seem to held most of the sway in Glangun Jearzana. This does not include new clans, or offshoots that some have come into not only mechant power, but also political power. This list does not have any of the gnome or halfling clans. Most of these historical names have been lost to the Ages.
The Trades Council is a board of representatives who speak for the different groups of Dwarfs, Gnomes, and Halflings living and working within Glangun Jearzana. Some of the Council members are Dehur Jupa Mining Company, the Gemological Guild, the Order of Academics and Education, Glangun Guard Brigade, Tholoth's Ironworks, the Agricultural Society, the Smithy's Union, Marbek's Mechanisms and several others. Each group has a voice on the council to air grievances, make requests, or give praise and recognition when earned at the "Briggast", a public forum held weekly in Glangun Keep. To provide for the city's smooth operation, the Council votes to fill key government positions which are held until those elected are no longer able or willing to manage responsibilities of the position. These officials liaise with the Council regarding city logistics, construction, treasury, sanitation, maintenance and so on.  
    Areas of Interest:
  • Old Town
  • Halfling Hall
  • Hidden Grove
  • The Pit
  • Tholoth's Ironworks
  • Glangun Keep
  • The Vault
  • Marbek's Mechanisms
  • Jearzana Station
  • Gnome Row
  • The Foundry
  • The Deep Forge
  Current Events: none   Rumors About: none

Hepulchor - Glangun Jearzana
Dwarven Stronghold and Mines
Leaders Image
Underground / Vault
Almozen County.jpg


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