

"Zahárrak Démina"

(Domain of the Old One)

In the foothills of the Mendi Tontorra mountains lies the city of Almozen, home of the Eskáldun people. They are ancient, unaltered, independent, wary of strangers, and fiercely protective of their traditional way of life. Nearly every citizen of this staunchly patriarchal, semi-isolated society is a devout religious follower of "the Father", Amaro - God of Light. The last known Temple of Amaro sits high atop the mountain's peaks. Although they cling to the old ways to preserve their culture, traditions and language, the Eskáldun are wise enough to evolve with the advances of the world around them for survival. They adopt anything new that benefits their people like agriculture, technology, architecture, medicine, and adapt those things to fit Eskáldun standards without letting it change who they are as a people. While it is commonplace to encounter many different races in the surrounding towns and villages of the County, only about 2% of Almozen city's population is non-human.

Almozen County is situated on the south-west side of Hepulchor, bordered by the Alferra River. The city of Almozen sits almost centrally in the county at the north end of the Mendatea Valley which leads southwest to the city of Calso. The valley splits the Mendi Tontorra mountains in the northwest from The Sisters mountain range to the southeast. The crossroads at Almozen also head east to the forest village of Erlo, and northeast to Oparoa Lake and the city of Mezona which is the area's major hub for trade and industry.

Almozen was founded in the middle of the Second Age by four Knights of Amaro who had traveled west from Ciudal Sahn, the capital of Hepulchor, leading several clergy and parishioners from the Church of the Sun God. They departed due to increasing pressure to abandon the old gods behind and begin worship of new deities that had gained favor in the Capital, like Eilyene "The Dawnmother". The Knights and parishioners built Fort Almózene at the base of the Mendi Tontorra mountains' sheer eastern cliffs, which grew to be Almozen city, the seat of the entire County. The Knights of Amaro found a sacred cavern atop the mountains and began to build a temple for the Sun God. The Elcano family line has been in power for generations. For the last several decades, the Baróne governing the Western cities of Almozen County have been charged by the Elcanos with the responsibility of maintaining the perilous trail that winds up the Mendi Tontorra mountains. Followers of Amaro, the God of Light, start to gather at the base camp near Calso from all corners of the County as summer begins every year. The path of pilgrimage is used by worshipers climbing to the "Basilica Aitaren Tenplua" nestled high atop the tallest peaks.

Conde Andres de Elcano is the current leader of the Eskáldun people and the County of Almozen. He fathered two daughters with his first wife before she died, then another daughter with his second wife, and finally his only son several years later with his fourth wife.
  Indársu Morroia is the Court Wizard, in charge of oversight and regulation of magic use in Almozen County. The Great Grandfather of Conde Andres de Elcano appointed Indársu to this position, so it is rumored the human mage has been blessed by the Father, tapping into the source to prolong his life.

Current Events:
The last few miles of modern roadway connecting Almozen and Calso is nearing completion in the Mendatea Valley. Many of the region's resources have been diverted to this road and the improvement of "Tenplu Onarria" (the Pilgrim's Camp) for the last few years. Although these efforts have made the annual journey more forgiving to Amaro's faithful, the towns farthest from the County's center have suffered economically and socially from the waning support of their local government.  
Places of Interest:
  • "Basilica Aitaren Tenplua" or the Temple of the Dawn God, sits high atop Mendi Tontorra, the tallest mountain peak in Almozen County.
  • Sanctuary of Light - The only easily accessible local house of worship dedicated to the Ancient God, Amaro Sarmash.
  • Castillo de Elcano - Ancestral home to the Elcano family and the seat of power in Almozen County.
  • Sagarra Market - All manner of goods and sundries can be found in this district.
  • Ezkútu's Armor & Shields
  • Burdina Weapons and Smithy
  • Edabéa Alkimia - A one-stop magic shop within the walls, owned and operated by an Elf named Alberic Edabéa. Nearly anything a magic user could need or want can be found here.
  • Wateilsya Tavern and Inn
  • Astoa Stables - Bitter rival of Jauhi Mandoal.
  • Mandoal Stables - Still unsure what Chimon Astoa is upset about.
  • Porto del Piragua - River portage and boat builder
  • Arto Alea Farms
  • Rancho Ferra Llamas - The best trained, most sure footed pack animals to help you climb to the mountain summit!
  • Susmagarria Lodge - Premier hunting lodge and men's social club.
  • Familia Madrikátua Compound
  • Compania Kobrea Mines - This mine was established almost a decade after the Fort was built. The Kobrea Family worked the mine, rose to prominence and bought land just north of the city.
  Rumors about:
Whispers have escaped the city's inner walls of a show of force preparing to head south and guide the citizens there back to the Father's light.

Hepulchor - Almozen City

Conde Andres de Elcano

Court Wizard - Indársu Morroia
Large city
City Guard's Armorial Bearing
Almozen County.jpg
County Map
County Heraldry


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