Gothmyr Order of the Eye: Malgam

The Order of the Eye: Malgam

The Order of the Eye is a collection of cults to venerate the seven ancient powers of the original gods. Each god has his or her own cult within the Eye, making them even harder to nail down to maintain. Within this Order of the Eye, is the Cult of Malgam.
The "Church" of Malgam is still a fully fledged cult, with no established brick and mortar churches anywhere within known society. They seem to be moving pieces around a chessboard, setting things up for other things to just "happen", but some of the more noted actions seem to be more preemptive and aggressive. They tend to stay out of the limelight, preferring to operate from behind layers of insulation between them and the local constabulary. The symbol of the cult is a right eye, with seven bladed lashes above a central eye.

The Order of the Eye operates out of Gothmyr, mainly around the capitol, Kings Watch. They seem to have recently begun to branch out to other nations, but no one knows their current events, except those within the Order.

No one knows exactly who runs the Actual Order. Whether it's a single being, or a council or even a separate race of beings. Rumor has it that the Order is led by a family of Beholders, acting in a mafia-style family run cult. What is known is each "lash" or cell of the order is run by one person, who gets orders from somewhere in Gothmyr.

Members are part of cells or "lashes". These Lashes give orders to members to do a myriad of duties, from spying and information gathering, to stealing Artifacts or goods. Some even specialize in assassination to further the Cult's goals. The groups are contacted by handlers and given orders, or delivering notes, information or goods to be handed up the chain.

The Lashes of The Eye:
The lashes on the symbol of the order counts seven. These seven lashes notate each of the original seven ancient powers of gods that were the original powers of the world. Each cult venerates a single ancient god, but they all still respect and give homage to all seven in their religion. Also within each branch or cult of the Order the hierarchy also is run in 'sevens'. Seven Lords run each cult from each of the seven gods. Each Lord has seven Generals, and each General is in charge of seven sects of their cult. most cult sects has membership in multiples of seven.
    Current Leadership:
Current leadership in the greater church of Malgam is seven loyal cultists who command many men and women. These seven Generals harken back to the original Sept and are known as the "7 Lashes of the Eye." Their symbol of their personal work is always with a top line of seven lashes above an Eye.
  • Parrak Esset"> - Faun general of the Army of Change. Runs the Gothmyr arm of the cult.
  • Mara Willowseek - High Elven High cleric of Malgam. Runs the cult from within Rhil'heeyl.
  • Mo-Tun -Gawa ogre magi general of the cult on Gawa. Currently banished from the shores and in Gothmyr.
  • Vincent Aukford - Human Cleric Meister. Converted Cultist for Malgam.
  • Baroness Ada Lorence- Pennimairan Human Cleric/ mage.
  • Lord Archibol Malthorn - Male human Cleric/ mage.
  • Abdu lwaahid - Fire Genasi male merchant lord cleric.

A number of very active agents work their plans and plots through almost every known society. This list is in no way complete but these are just members that have been rumored to be active.
  • Lord Ludolf Karstark - Half orc Coin noble of Gothmyr, House karstark is completely loyal to the Church.
  • Baron Arniso Montego - Human Male Fighter Cleric of Malgam, Court baron of Bailyn.
  • Dame Sylvia Coldanvil - Female Dwarven Paladin of Malgam. Leader of cult in Olto.
  • Contessa Maria Forteo - Female Human blood noble of Hepulchor, her house is loyal to the Church.
  • Megindeeshu Ishru - Anwari Pirate Commodore with seven ships loyal to the Church.
  • Boyar Remy Vlastimir II - Lavi human male Birth noble Leads a Cult of 50 loyal worshippers.
  • Esmerleda Derbay - Ironese Elven Mage, head of mage's guild within Surlin.
  • Annaisha Ideshu - Gawanese Female Court noble of Kumato. 37th bloodline to the Emperor's throne
  • Krogur Ironheart - Luchori Dwarven Commander of seventy loyal legionaire mountain dwarves loyal to the Church.
  • Willem Kronkhaus - Gothmyri human male Fighter Cleric, runs the Church of healing light of Keylis, in Barahut. All 7 members are cultists.
Cult of the Eye Cultist

Changelord Parrak Esset

Changelord Mo-Tun, of the Seas

Religious, Cult


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