Parrak Esset

The Prophet of Malgam

The ancient god of change has very few followers keeping his celestial soul intact, but the greatest of those loyal to him is Parrak Esset.
The Lord of Change uses Parrak as his Herald, and any plans or schemes created on Edus for the Lord of Change are headed by his Herald. Not many who seek Parrak can find this elusive Herald of Malgam">, but his hand and his influence on dealings with the cult are felt throughout every aspect of the dark church.

Parrak Esset is a tall faun, standing six foot seven inches, with a slight muscular build. He has grayish fur and shock white stringy hair that is split by two curved horns. He usually wears a blue-black long coat over a blue tunic and brown pants. He has a pair of normal humanoid feet and lower legs, which allow him to wear high brown boots. On his left hip is a whip of leather, steel, and some reddish metal. On his right hip are a trio of magical throwing daggers. His goat-like face and red eyes with square irises are usually hard to look at, due to some strange aura he has over him.

Parrak was born in a small forest village outside of Orcs Run on the southern edge of Gothmyr's borders. Born of a human male and a faun female, he was abandoned by his father as his mother was slain by orcs. His father left him, letting the small faun child live in an empty abandoned house. He was found by members of the village and was adopted into the village. With no direct parental guidance, Parrak befriended an evil Dryad, and helped her lure villagers that offended him to their death. Soon Parrak found magic and the ability to transmute was strong within him. Parrak had the Dryad kill or enslave almost every male within the village, and soon Parrak started hurting and hunting the women of the village. He was chased out of the village and hunted by a dozen knights of the Order of the Twilight Shield.
Parrak traveled into The Iron Kingdoms, giving him a new country to learn different and better tortures. He continued his studies by oining dark wizard enclaves and mercenary companies. Soon he found himself working on pirate ships in the Valaran Sea. He worked his way up, taking Captain of a ship. He raided island towns and shipping lanes for three years before returning to land, with a new crew of loyal followers. Within those same three years, Parrak found a shipwreck on an island. On this wreck was a stone sarcophagus surrounded by dead clerics and boxes of text. Parrak heard a calling from within the stone coffin and began studying the paperwork, and Malgam"> came into his life. Parrak soon found a calling, and a focus for his malicious, sadistic urges.
Once he felt he had control of his new faith and a focus for its use, Parrak returned to land and began his dark crusade. Soon he began gathering small enclaves of cultists for Malgam"> throughout Gothmyr, and even sent them south into the Iron Kingdoms. Parrak has been seen in gatherings in dark barns or basements, gaining more cultist followers for Malgam.

Parrak is a trickster. He commands complete control of any cultist under him and will turn his back on those disloyal to either him or Malgam. Parrak has a cruel streak that few in Edus can claim to match. Sometimes Parrak creates Malgami creatures, simply to exercise his whip's skill. Parrak talks slowly, and his words are carefully picked before he speaks. Parrak is usually calm and methodical, but is known to explode in fits of rage which often last for many hours.

Location of Operation:
Currently, Parrak is working out of Kings Watch">, hiding in and moving from safehouse to safehouse. He has a large contingent of Noble Houses who are allied to his goals, and members of the nobility are worshippers of Malgam.

Currently, Parrak is a level 9 Wizard, Level 8 cleric of Malgam.
He wields a +4 Whip of stunning, and three +3 Throwing Daggers of Ravina'hyel.



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