Hilde Irmin

Hilde Irmin of Southgate


Coin Noble

Guildmistress of Irmin Trade Company, Guildmistress of Sweepers guild


  Mistress Hilde Irmin is a Coin Noble and a seated member of Kings Watch's Council of Eight. Standing 3'3'', weighing 55 lbs, She holds herself as if she is a titan and has the bravado and courage to match. Lightened black hair, usually up in a bun, and crystal glasses hang off the tip of her halfling nose. An age of 45 winters, she is a retired adventurer and became insanely rich and through intelligent purchases, she's maneuvered her way into three guildhalls, as well as being recognized by Prince Jeggred and became a Coin Noble.   Growing up along the Claw Coast on the east of Gothmyr, Hilde's father was a merchant sailor and her mother was a ocean cleric of Eschaela. She grew up on ships, and watching her father negotiate shipments, payment as well as customers looking for passage. She grew up learning money-changing as well as keeping books for her father. Passengers would often teach her math, as well as languages. in her adolescence she was gifted a flute, which she picked up quickly and very good. Soon she was learning shanties and music that seemed to create magic. He bardic skills grew and she helped keep her fathers shipments arriving on time.

Eventually she was given her fathers seven ships, and took over the family business. She also started going on adventures from time to time , using her bardic skills to help increase her fortune.   She helped slay a adult green dragon and the rest of her party died. She gained all the treasure and left the adventuring life to continue being a business owner. 

  Hilde Irmin Iis owner of the Family Irmin Trafe Company. She is head Guildmistress of City Wacth's Sweepers guild. She represents and helps all those who do the jobs in Kings Watch, no one else wants to do. She has often times used her position as a Coin Noble to Advocate for other rising Noble Houses. She is known to loan money and gift awards of coin to many noble houses, with proper interest. 

Hilde Irmin is a loyal follower of  Prince Jeggred,  and very loyal to the city of kings Watch, and Gothmyr. She dislikes Lord Otto, as well as Duke Sigmund


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