Master Verlineer Silverhands

Master Verlineer Silverhands of Lygo


Coin Noble

Guildleader of Silverhands Smiths. Owner of the Silver Lumber Yard


Verlineer Silverhands is a Coin Noble in the city of Kings Watch and a Council member of the Council of Eight. He is a dwarf of three hundred winters, 5'3'' height and hair of white. Hints of the old brown in his mustache and beard still show in braided beard. His yellow eyes with blue irises are deep set within Verlineer's brow. Verlineer walks with a slight limp which shows more prominently as the day drags on. He is curt, dour and often times grumbling his way down corridors or while reading through documents.

Verlineer grew up in Lygo a only son of a dwarven smith. He worked and toiled long and hard alongside his father. He made his father's smithy known across the nation as a place to find the finest weapons and armor outside of a dwarven kingdom. He bought up land and became a landed noble. Soon, his father's shop became too small for him and he began traveling Across Gothmyr and building new smiths in new towns. Always Verlineer returned home, building the family fortune. Eventually, Lord Verlineer moved into Kings Watch and bought three blacksmith shops the same day.

  Verlineer Silverhands established himself as a coin noble within Kings Watch and established House Silverhands as the prominent leader in blacksmithing within Gothmyr. Silverhands used his major influx of fortune from his nation-spanning balcksmiths to take over the smithing trade in Kings Watch and gain a contract to outfit the Kings Watch army with better weapons and armor. After finishing the contract, Verlineer Silverhands then took his focus and turned it to the lumber yards. Soon he bought the largest lumber mill in Kings Watch and renamed it to the Silverhands Lumber Yard.


Verlineer Silverhands is loyal to The Prince and is loyal to the nation of Kings Watch. He is usually followed around by his assistant, a female dwarf cleric named Duiann "Dewey" of House Silverhand.


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