Kings Watch

The City of Shadows

The City of Flying Kings

The Capital City of Gothmyr

Overview: Kings Watch is the capital city of the nation of Gothmyr. Known as the City of Shadows, and even more recently, the City of Flying Kings. Kings Watch is the shining example of perseverance of human spirit. Kings Watch Spans dozens of miles, holding tens of thousands within its many rounded walls. The capital is not only the center of import and export of the entire nation, it is also The center for culture and civilized interchange of goods and ideas.

Kings Watch is a meeting point for the Jade Isles reaching the main continent, and as such, the city is heavily influenced by Jawanese culture. Gothic architecture and Classic stone masonry still dominate the building landscape of Kings Watch. The city is built with many layers, each expanding zone walled in from previous expansions.

Coin and money are abundant in Kings Watch, and there are many sayings about getting a job in the City of Shadows. “If’n ye can’t get yerself a job in Kings Watch, ye must be sleepin!” is one of the most common. The saying used to end, “…ye must be dead”, but with the aforementioned recent undead uprising, everyone has changed the end of the quip to something other than the old version. There are tasks for hire for hundreds of different jobs. Most employers will take anyone who is able to complete the task, and they are not afraid to share their wealth with their hirelings. Anything from letter delivery, to sewer sweeping to torchbearer can be had for a job. If you can walk and hold an item, you can make enough money in Kings Watch to thrive.

The People: The people of Kings Watch choose to live in this city. Knowing the life inside this city is never boring, the city itself feeds back upon the people, giving everyone an exciting life. The people and their attitude reflect this lifestyle. Brown and black hair is common, with a smattering of red and even some blonde. Brown eyes and a height of an average of 5'8'' to 6' is common. Beards and mustaches is universally known as an art form, and in Kings Watch, the mustache and beard and other facial hair can be used to judge someone's status in the city. A common insult or jeer from a commoner to a Noble is calling them a "Press beard", usually remarking about someone who irons or presses their beard or mustache into fancy stylings.

Most speak common, and more and more are learning other languages or phrases in other languages to better survive in this mixing pot of a city. Most smile to strangers and will often help someone else who is down on their luck. They seek out positive reinforcement but often some from outside the city will oust themselves, being mean, tough, or trying to be intimidatingly mean. It is not the common way to be in Kings Watch. Common phrases used in Kings Watch:
  • "Doesn't even have a matching shoe." (someone who is down on their luck, or can't even find two shoes that match. Poor person.
  • "Living without a pail. " (Poor, but to the point, they cannot afford a pail to collect urine, for leatherworking. Have nothing.
  • "Open all hours and holidays." A loose person. Someone who is flirty or a whore.
  • "He/she stabs with a hammer." A dumb person. Someone who did something publicly that showed their inexperience or stupidity.
  • "Toes within the wagon before the tree was felled." Someone who planned way ahead of time, a tactician. Complimentary.
  • "S/he is a thorn bush." Someone who is ugly, something or someone who looks like they tried to brush their teeth with an entire thorn bush.
  • "That is a fish casting its own net." Ill-planned person, doing something that is doomed to fail.
  • "She/He has gold panties." A rich poof or Noble.
  • "A horse in heat is only dumb enough once." Remarking on not getting fooled a second time.

Noble Ward
Ruler: One thing in the history that everyone can state as fact, Kings Watch has always been run under a Von Luen. As far back as written history goes, a Von Luen has sat and ruled Kings Watch throne. The mysterious knight that brought a ragtag band of humans and half elves and dark elves was the first recorded Von Luen. His son Victor Von Luen established most of the laws of Kings Watch that still uses to this day. His son, Leruce took the city into its golden era. It was into its four hundredth year when the Son of Leruce, Jeggred took over. Jeggred Von Luen the XIV is the current King of Gothmyr. Jeggred is a short, almost scary man. White-silver hair pushed back to shoulder length, Piercing amber eyes and a smirk that hides more than he reveals. Jeggred is a darker and shadowy ruler than his father. This begot Jeggred the moniker “The Shadow King”. The city is not evil, nor is the king, but there is more behind-the-scenes politics and underhanded dealings than ever before. Most do not see the oncoming shadow over the city, but everyone can feel its growing presence.

Lord Jeggred XIV is one of Kings Watch's most tactically superior kings, and has defended her walls and borders from all sorts of invasions. He is not the stereo-typical king, who hides within the walls of his keep, ordering laws and commands and demanding taxes. Lord Jeggred’s changes to his father’s ‘way of ruling’ have the city’s citizens hopeful and a new dawn of prosperity is seen on every face. Jeggred does hold one precept from the old times. His demand for intelligent equality is one that has been a hallmark of Kings Watch. Recent history shows Gothmyr has just overcome a large undead invasion. All unauthorized necromancy cast within Gothmyr’s borders is currently punishable by "beyond death". All known offending necromancers are caught, registered with the crown, and psychically ‘tagged’.

Gothmyr is ruled by Prince Jeggred. The throne of Kings Watch protects the nation from the outside, and keep peace within the nation's borders. Prince Jeggred also rules the capitol, Kings Watch, but allows a council of nobles to run the day-to-day activities of the city. With a city as large as Kings Watch, it is nearly impossible to have one person run the entire sprawling metropolis. The ruling council in Kings Watch has been titled "The Council of Eight". The council currently, has a mix of both Blooded nobles and Coin nobles, which are always at each other's throats. Prince Jeggred allows slight infighting and confrontation, because it helps build industry competition and allows others to explain their viewpoints.

Narrow Ward

Current Standing Council of Eight:

Location: Kings Watch sits on the eastern coast of Gothmyr in the innermost point of the Shadow Sea, on the NW region of the Emerald Sea. The Kings River runs through Kings Watch, and runs northwest to southeast and empties into Shadow Bay. The Kings River is used by most within Kings Watch for travel, commerce and even bathing. The river is the main reason that the town was originally founded here.

  Ancient History: There are six Ages within the history of Edus. The city of Kings Watch was originally founded in the First Age, The Age of the Gods. It has a dark, seedy and mysterious history that spans all six Ages, which gives the city one of its many monikers, ‘The City of Six”. What many do not know, is that the city of Kings Watch is the lynchpin to each and every Age.

The city of Kings Watch has been built, destroyed, built, destroyed, built and destroyed five times. The current huge city you see now is the sixth attempt at a success. The first five attempts are still there, just buried deep beneath the current attempt. Most people in Kings Watch, even the world do not know of the five failures buried in the ground, like so much skeletons in one's closet. Some of the nightmares and terrors buried in the previous versions still stir and often find their way to the surface, showing the people of Kings Watch that there are still things they do not know of. It is said that even devils and demons do not tread within Kings Watch walls because of the bad luck of the past. Most people in Kings Watch fear more what's buried underneath its street, than even the worst nightmare from the abyssal planes. Those who do know of the ancient history of Kings Watch whisper that the evil gods toyed behind the backs of the first two gods and had a hand in destroying the previous five versions. Others think that it was OL’ itself for the god's own vanities. Only those who step within the pantheon know the real truth but it doesn't stop those who know of the mysterious city of trying to garner power from within any of the previous ruined versions.

Modern History: Modern history reaches back as far as the beginning of this Age, but some see the previous Age's end as part of history as well. This Age is only 325 years old, but many races live longer than humans, and history is rarely forgotten.

In 310AF, A necromancer Wizard who was backed by a great Lich, entered King's Watch, and summoned a massive army of Undead. The undead poured from warehouses, hidden in boxes, hidden in boarded up homes, and terrorized the city. People were frozen in fear and were locked into their homes while soldiers killed and destroyed the undead horde. The scouring of undead from the city took two years. From random outcroppings of undead, to nights where entire buildings would explode with undead pouring from windows and boarded doors. Soon, the hunt began to focus on the cause, not the problem. Any and all necromancers were bound and tied, sentenced to death or accept subjugation. Only healers of Keylis were unaffected by the mandate of necromancy hunting. the undead poured out of Kings Watch, as well as began springing up in random towns across Gothmyr. Adventurers and heroes stood up to defend the helpless. The undead menace was finally quelled on the streets of Scarsburg, where the originating Necromancer and his lich were killed in the street by a band of heroes.

  Many of the gods with the good portfolio have sent favored souls or clerics to Gothmyr, more specifically Kings Watch, to help prevent a sixth set of ruins. No matter how it is seen, a lot of different interests are focused on Kings Watch and its future. Deities of all races have become more active in recent times. they seem to have been pursuing a more focused interest in the goings on of their followers.

Wards or Districts of Kings Watch:
  • Crown Ward
  • North Ward
  • Coin Ward
  • South Ward
  • Lantern Ward
  • Temple Ward
  • Shield Ward
  • Narrow Ward
  • Dock Ward

Name Info
Govt Type

Lantern Ward


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Oct 18, 2022 02:23 by Cory G

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The World is yours. Use your benevolence and wrath wisely.