Ser Elrin Gal VonDottin of Vodton

Ser Elrin Gal VonDottin

Mayor of Vodton

  The mayor of Vodton is Ser Elrin Gal VonDottin. Ser Elrin Is a man of seventy winters and was a knight in the court of a dead barony to the South. He has taken up the mantle of mayor, when he led the defense of Vodton from Orc invaders. Ser Elrin is quiet, almost always whispers when talking, unless he is bothered, or it is late in the day. Ser Elrin rarely leaves his home, except to go out to his chicken coop, to feed his chickens. (or, more correctly, he tosses feed at them, while he mumbles to himself about the troubles on his mind). Usually seeing visitors to town, or others, he is seen in an office room with a high backed chair, with a long sword hanging from a corner, and a shield (in need to cleaning) above the fireplace behind him.
Ser Elrin Used to be six foot tall and wide shoulders and thin waist his form is now hunched, with a can in his hand, his frail body has aged, and not well. His liver spots cover his hands, head and neck, along with a few small sores around his ears. The remaining bit of his silver hair is often unkept, due to him running his knotted hand through it while thinking. His left hand is missing his pinky finger at the first knuckle, and his teeth are mostly remaining.

The assistant mayor, and administrator for Ser Elrin is Ber-ryn Malachite. Ber-ryn is a human female of twenty five winters with short black hair and eyes of deep blue. Ber-ryn seems pleasant, but she seems as if she's putting something off more important as she talks to visitors or others. She always makes time for issues in town, but her stress shows upon her young face.
Ser Elrin is often seen, sitting by the river, enjoying the twilight years, allowing Ber-ryn to run the day-today of Vodton. Ber-Ryn is also the town's judge and handles all disputes. Anyone who challenges her ruling can ask for an appeal to Ser Elrin, but he rarely goes against Berr-ryn's original ruling. Ber-ryn also is considered head of the Town's "brigade", or constabulary of four brigadiers, level 2 fighters. The four brigadiers are the only paid constabulary in town but can be backed up by other townsfolk if their whistle blows. Vodton citizens stick together.


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