Eidos The Steel Age
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The Steel Age

Era beginning/end


During a hunt, Queen Madrigal of Staldor is found deep within a forest with four steel swords plunged into her chest (the work suspected to have been done by the mysterious Chantry assassins, The Silent Sisters.). Because of this, Divine Theodosia I declares the next Age the Steel Age.

312: Dragons are hunted nearly to extinction thanks to methods pioneered by the dwarves of Gradmout. The dwarves become known across the continent as legendary dragon hunters   320: The orcs of Xnarull organize forces under the great warlord Khazak One-Eye and sweep into the heart of the continent spreading west in massive numbers.   322: The orcs are pushed back by the united forces of the elves and humans from the Westernlands. Khazak and his army are followed shortly after by a contingent of spell-breakers lead by general Boris Toddbringer. Both parties considered to be dead after a bloody battle in the Mountains surrounding Xnarull. No survivors recorded on either side.   323: Great famine ravages the Westernlands   357: The dwarves push further north attempting to exterminate the remaining dragons. The appearance of a high dragon, rumored to be called by a Witch of the Wilds breaks their ranks and forces them back to their holds.

Related Location
The Western Lands
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