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"We refused their orders, spit on the commands of their nobility, and shat on the tyrants who would use us as their playthings. We were driven from our homelands, some burned or put to the sword. We chose to fight, we chose death. And Ygzar rose up, from the ranks of us scum, and with a ruinous battle cry led us against those who would chain us. Our warpath took us south where we sheltered for a winter before taking to sea and landing at this forsaken jungle island. No man was meant to ever come here, and we were cursed for it. Yet Ygzar has made a balance with the darkness that is this island, our souls for our freedom. Whatever that may mean now."

Hargen Blackbane's journal excerpt, found drifting at sea


The Black City is ruled over by Ygzar the Blackened. He alone rules over a soulless city surrounded by Archlords who execute his wishes when he sees fit. The city is closed to outsiders and much is left to imagination and mystery.


The city has been seen through mists and jungle fog at sea to have massive black towers that reach like claws above the jungle. The port can be seen jammed with the black hulls of ships of every size, yet no vessels are ever seen at sea. The city is surrounded by a jet black wall, itself covered in the jungle that stretches endlessly across the island.


In the year 3000 an uprising of serfs and peasants broke out simultaneously across the continent in the many Human kingdoms that carved the continent. From the flames and chaos of revolt came forth a single man named Ygzar. With him followed an army who united the people and raided across the continent for years. It is said that he was guided by the Dark Forces and given the strength of a Demon. His legions became many and eventually he managed to seize a port in the south where they wintered. At the break of winter a fleet of uncrewed black ships emerged from the fog and ushered them aboard. Ygzar is said to have taken this as a gift from the Dark Gods and sailed south to the jungle island, guided by a black moon for seven days and seven nights. It is said that some great evil trapped on the island managed to influence and guide them there, at which point they become the first servants to this evil force in eons. No one travels to or from the island and much of what is said about the place is merely theory, myth, or idle predictions.

The Elves ancient stories speak of a group of their kind that settled the island and while in search of powerful arcane powers brought forth a great evil force, an entity that had slumbered in the depths of times for eons. These Elves succumbed to the greater power until they destroyed themselves. No expedition into the jungle has managed to return and any ship that lingers near the island to long is lost to the fog. The Elves named it the Land of Dead Elves and forbid travel there by any of their kind. Myths of an ancient power locked beneath the island continue to draw in those who thirst for it, and they never return.

Alternative Name(s)
Trich'Daeyd, The Land of Dead Elves
Estimated 100,000
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
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