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Eirath Copyright Notice

Any creative material, including original written literature, maps, and images, pertaining to the world and setting of Eirath is the original creation of its author Robert Tripp World Anvil username Master_Lorn. The author reserves all rights to this creative material as permitted by copyright law and does NOT grant permission to any readers or viewers to copy (by hand or digitally), download, photograph, print, take screenshots of, or otherwise make available offline or distribute or sell any of this creative material.   Hyperlinks to this website may be distributed freely, including via automated social media sharing functions (share buttons), and viewers are encouraged to read and enjoy the creative material from this web domain as it is hosted at World Anvil for entertainment purposes only. The world and setting of Eirath may be used by players and gamemasters of tabletop roleplaying games in their games for entertainment purposes, so long as creative material of Eirath is not used for any commercial purposes in any way that would breech copyright law. Players who use the world and setting of Eirath are asked to contact the author and let him know of the events that transpire in their games, out of courtesy and curiosity, but this is not required.   Gamemasters who charge fees for their services are NOT permitted to use the world and setting of Eirath as applicable by copyright law without special arrangements with the author. The author may be contacted using the World Anvil direct message function to contact Robert Tripp.   This notice should not be misconstrued to override any existing copyright law. This notice does not apply to material copyrighted by World Anvil within their website or domain at or under, only to the material created by Robert E. Tripp Jr. used to describe the fictional world, setting, and characters of Eirath .   Additionally, some characters found within the setting of Eirath are created by other individuals, and are noted as such. This notice does not apply to those characters and they are fully owned and copyrighted by their authors.  
I (Robert Tripp) DO NOT accept ANY submissions, to include, but is not limited to: sketches, drawings, notes, stories, and game or character ideas unless I have asked for them.
  If you do submit any unsolicited content, ANY such unsolicited materials, ideas, comments, sketches, drawings, notes, stories, game or character ideas, and suggestions or other information submitted by you to me will become MY property, with me (Robert Tripp) exclusively owning all known and hereafter existing rights to such materials, in addition you also acknowledge and agree not to contest my rights to use and disclose such materials in any manner and for any purpose, commercial or otherwise, without compensation to you.   Additionally, in regards to fan work may exist which includes information not yet publicly cannon to Eirath, I (Robert Tripp) retain ALL usage rights to information, plots, or personalities pertaining to ANY aspect of Eirath (including, but not limited to, sketches, drawings, notes, stories, and game or character ideas) within my own works, even if the information, plot, or personality existed prior in fan-made material that is publicly submitted or published.

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