
The Atmajivan tribe, also known as the Spiritualists, are renowned for their deep connection to the spirit world and their mastery of spiritual magic. Their beliefs revolve around the idea that the physical world and the spirit world are intertwined and that maintaining a balance between them is essential for the well-being of all things. They believe that all living beings, both physical and spiritual, are connected by a shared energy that flows through the universe.

Appearance-wise, the Atmajivan are known for their pale appearance, which they believe represents their spiritual journey and their connection to the spirit world. Genetically similar to the Shalaevar from their homeland, the only way to tell the two apart would be the slight sun-kissed shade of their pale skin. They dress in flowing robes made from natural fibers, often adorned with symbols and designs that represent their spiritual beliefs. They often wear necklaces and bracelets made from gold, believed to have spiritual properties that enhance their magic.

The Atmajivan are skilled healers, using their magic to cure physical and spiritual illnesses. They act as spiritual leaders, guiding the people of Synead through the complexities of the spiritual realm and helping them to find balance and harmony in their lives. They also use their magic to bring peace and stability to the world, using their understanding of the spiritual realm to resolve conflicts and maintain balance.

In terms of their function within Synead, the Atmajivan are responsible for maintaining the spiritual health and well-being of the people. They serve as spiritual advisors to the Matriarch and Patriarch, helping them to make decisions that are in line with the spiritual balance of the nation. They also act as mediators, helping to resolve disputes between the other tribes and maintaining the balance between them.

The Atmajivan are revered for their wisdom and compassion, and their presence is considered essential for the continued prosperity of Synead.

Major organizations

United Tribes of Synead
Atmajivan Edhelleri
Atmajivan Edhelleri by Gabrielle Decker
Encompassed species
Languages spoken
Related Locations

Cover image: Atmajivan Edhelleri by Gabrielle Decker


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