Edhelleri (ˈɛd.hɛl.ɛri)

Synead is a desert nation composed of five cooperating Edhelleri tribes: Nebutashu, Ruhriyam, Nizamatebin, Atmajivan, and Mananateq. The Mananateq tribe is the political and spiritual leader of the nation, supported by the runners-up in the battle for leadership. As a result of their collaboration, Synead has become a strong, prosperous, and resilient society that proudly embraces its cultural heritage and values. The Matriarch and Patriarch of the Mananateq tribe ensure the stability of the nation, working closely with the other tribes to ensure their people are protected and valued. The Edhelleri people of Synead are a shining example of what can be achieved when a society works together.



Among the Edhelleri, you'll find a wide spectrum of striking features, from the tall and regal to the lean and nimble. Their skin tones range from the dark bronze of desert sands to jet black, caramel brown, and even white porcelain. The Edhelleri have highly developed senses that serve them well in their harsh desert environment. Their agility and reflexes have been honed over many generations of hunting and nomadic living, and their keen eyesight allows them to spot the slightest movement across the sand dunes. Magical powers tend to mature with age, making them more powerful in the hands of those who have practiced them longer.


Etiquette & Taboos

Etiquette is a significant aspect of Edhelleri society, emphasizing respect, humility, and communal harmony. Communication is often direct, yet polite, and interrupting someone while speaking is considered impolite. The Edhelleri value personal space and privacy, especially during times of introspection or meditation, and it is respectful to give individuals their desired solitude.

In Edhelleri society, greeting someone involves a gentle touch of their fingertips to their chest, symbolizing the recognition of the other person's spirit. The society values elders and their wisdom, seeking their guidance and advice, which is passed down to younger generations. Edhelleri hospitality is a sacred duty that includes sharing resources among tribe members and offering food, water, shelter, and a listening ear to guests. It would be rude to refuse the host's hospitality or to speak ill of their offerings.

While the Edhelleri are open-minded and accepting, certain practices must be respected. Speaking ill of the spirits or ignoring the teachings of ancestors is a grave offense, as is the desecration of any sacred sites. The delicate balance of the desert's ecosystem is highly valued, and it is frowned upon to disturb it or use its resources without a sense of respect and appreciation. Public displays of affection and speaking ill of another person are also considered taboo.

Is Diqawūz’, an element of the Prophecy of the Frozen Desert
An element of the Prophecy of the Frozen Desert
Is Diqawūz’ by Gabrielle Decker


The Edhelleri place great importance on their cultural heritage, which has been passed down through generations. They have a deep reverence for the desert and its mystical qualities, believing that it holds both secrets and answers to their existence. To honor the spirits of the land, they conduct rituals and ceremonies, seeking their blessings and protection.

Music and dance play significant roles in Edhelleri culture. The haunting melodies of desert instruments, such as the sand flute and the shimmershells, evoke the ever-shifting desert winds and the tales of ancient heroes. Elaborate dance performances capture the grace and agility of the Firedancers, mesmerizing both the Edhelleri themselves and any fortunate spectators.

Edhelleri art often takes the form of intricate carvings, vibrant murals, and meticulously crafted jewelry, all inspired by the beauty of the desert and the spirits that inhabit it.

Edhelleri Firedancer by Gabrielle Decker


The Edhelleri society is home to a revered group of performers known as the Firedancers. Through their captivating performances, they skillfully manipulate flames to create mesmerizing visual effects and communicate important stories and cultural symbolism. To become a Firedancer, one must undergo rigorous training and practice to master both the art of dance and the study of fire magic. During gatherings and events, the Firedancers take center stage as they perform their intricate choreography and symbolic dances, captivating audiences with their graceful movements and fiery displays. As guardians of the sacred flame, the Firedancers are respected for their commitment to preserving the Edhelleri's cultural heritage and passing down their knowledge and skills to future generations.

Edhelleri Firedancer by Gabrielle Decker


The Edhelleri society is home to a revered group of performers known as the Firedancers. Through their captivating performances, they skillfully manipulate flames to create mesmerizing visual effects and communicate important stories and cultural symbolism. To become a Firedancer, one must undergo rigorous training and practice to master both the art of dance and the study of fire magic. During gatherings and events, the Firedancers take center stage as they perform their intricate choreography and symbolic dances, captivating audiences with their graceful movements and fiery displays. As guardians of the sacred flame, the Firedancers are respected for their commitment to preserving the Edhelleri's cultural heritage and passing down their knowledge and skills to future generations.


"When the spider spins its web, so
shall the weaver of blood weave her
fate, and the wearer of blood shall
follow. The God-Men will rise to face
the worm, but the man with two souls
will awaken Sa'rach. As the Void
descends upon the sands, only Death
will save the Mad. Then, the Keepers
will usher in the Death of Magic,
and the Frozen Desert will be the
end of all."
- Prophecy of the Frozen Desert

The history of the Edhelleri is intertwined with the vast expanse of Synead's shifting sands. Their roots reach back further than most, as they have inhabited these arid lands for countless generations. From the heart of their ancestral homeland of Linve, the Edhelleri embarked on a great exploration that would shape their destiny. The Edhelleri left the familiar confines of their Thyselie homeland under the collective curiosity and insatiable desire for knowledge.


Aq is zūl ibbiū u adī, lull ţād is ghawūz' rūr ghāyya ghaw a ḑāqqi, bū is khaz' rūr ghāyya ţād i'. Is ḑīkawaḑiḩ ţād jafl īd zakhu is şūr, ab is ḑiḩ mī yuw awani'u ţād ruddahaū Sa'rach. ḑu is dābashār dīţū qarra is awaza', wā 'uflū ţād ahī is harḑ. 'ū, is awallūz' ţād 'inta jīb is 'uflū rūr kuţ, bū is su'ūjā ḩīm ţād thī is 'īad rūr 'i.

"When the spider spins its web, so shall the weaver of blood weave her fate, and the wearer of blood shall follow. The God-Men will rise to face the worm, but the man with two souls will awaken Sa'rach. As the Void descends upon the sands, only Death will save the Mad. Then, the Keepers will usher in the Death of Magic, and the Frozen Desert will be the end of all."

- Prophecy of the Frozen Desert

Their journey took them deep into the unforgiving desert, where they encountered something sinister and mysterious, shrouded in the dunes. What they discovered compelled them to forsake their original purpose and establish a permanent dwelling amidst the sands. The Edhelleri found comfort and sustenance in an oasis of extraordinary beauty and abundance, guided by their keen intuition and deep connection to the land. This oasis, known as Elor Hīniḩa Qūkhajā, became their sanctuary and the birthplace of their vibrant civilization.

From this pivotal location, the five distinct tribes of the Edhelleri gradually spread across the desert, each forging their own unique identity while upholding the common values that bound them together. The Edhelleri tribes embraced their desert surroundings, mastering the art of survival in an environment that demanded both resilience and adaptability. They honed their skills as expert archers, stealthy scouts, and astute observers of the shifting sands. Their deep connection with their enigmatic ancestors, whose teachings were passed down through generations, shaped the Edhelleri's spiritual and cultural practices.

Central to the Edhelleri's cultural fabric are their prophecies, which hold a place of profound significance. Throughout their history, the Edhelleri have grappled with the meaning and interpretation of these prophecies, seeking to discern their true purpose and implications for their people. They have woven them into the tapestry of their existence, guiding their actions and shaping their understanding of the world. As the sands of time continue to shift, the Edhelleri remain vigilant and watchful, ever attuned to the signs and portents that may herald the fulfillment of their prophecies. Their resilience, pride, and reverence for their ancestors have sustained them through countless challenges, and they stand ready to face whatever destiny unfolds within the deserts they call home.

The history of the Edhelleri is intertwined with the vast expanse of Synead's shifting sands. Their roots reach back further than most, as they have inhabited these arid lands for countless generations. From the heart of their ancestral homeland of Linve, the Edhelleri embarked on a great exploration that would shape their destiny. The Edhelleri left the familiar confines of their Thyselie homeland under the collective curiosity and insatiable desire for knowledge.

Their journey took them deep into the unforgiving desert, where they encountered something sinister and mysterious, shrouded in the dunes. What they discovered compelled them to forsake their original purpose and establish a permanent dwelling amidst the sands. The Edhelleri found comfort and sustenance in an oasis of extraordinary beauty and abundance, guided by their keen intuition and deep connection to the land. This oasis, known as Elor Hīniḩa Qūkhajā, became their sanctuary and the birthplace of their vibrant civilization.

From this pivotal location, the five distinct tribes of the Edhelleri gradually spread across the desert, each forging their own unique identity while upholding the common values that bound them together. The Edhelleri tribes embraced their desert surroundings, mastering the art of survival in an environment that demanded both resilience and adaptability. They honed their skills as expert archers, stealthy scouts, and astute observers of the shifting sands. Their deep connection with their enigmatic ancestors, whose teachings were passed down through generations, shaped the Edhelleri's spiritual and cultural practices.

Central to the Edhelleri's cultural fabric are their prophecies, which hold a place of profound significance. Throughout their history, the Edhelleri have grappled with the meaning and interpretation of these prophecies, seeking to discern their true purpose and implications for their people. They have woven them into the tapestry of their existence, guiding their actions and shaping their understanding of the world. As the sands of time continue to shift, the Edhelleri remain vigilant and watchful, ever attuned to the signs and portents that may herald the fulfillment of their prophecies. Their resilience, pride, and reverence for their ancestors have sustained them through countless challenges, and they stand ready to face whatever destiny unfolds within the deserts they call home.

Warning: This article contains images and themes of death.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
80 years
Average Height
178 cm
Average Weight
63.5 kg
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Materials
Skin Tones
Eye Colors
Hair Colors


True to their Thyselie roots, beauty is revered in the Edhelleri culture. However, for the Edhelleri, beauty is an embodiment of harmony, grace, and wisdom. It is celebrated in all its forms, and individual expression is encouraged, enabling each Edhelleri to shine with their unique brilliance.


Marriage among the Edhelleri is a sacred union, symbolizing two souls uniting and harmonizing their shared destinies. Elaborate ceremonies weave together traditions, prayers, and the blessings of the spirits. Ethereal melodies and the passionate dances of the Firedancers mirror the sacredness of this union.

Myths & Legends

The Edhelleri possess a rich tradition of myths and legends that form the foundation of their cultural heritage. These tales are passed down through generations orally and via dance, capturing the essence of the desert's mysteries and the adventures of legendary figures. Some of the notable myths and legends include:

Sandstorm Guardians

This legend tells of a group of brave Edhelleri who, with their mastery of wind magic, protected their tribes from an ancient malevolent sandstorm that threatened to engulf the desert.

Song of the Desert Spirits

According to this myth, the desert is home to powerful spirits that embody the elements and safeguard the balance of the land. The song is said to have the power to communicate with these spirits and gain their favor.

Trial of the Scorching Sun

This legend tells the story of a young Edhelleri who embarked on a perilous journey to prove their worthiness by withstanding the intense heat of the desert sun. Success in this trial marked the transition to adulthood and earned the respect of the tribe.

Prophecy of the Frozen Desert

The Edhelleri hold a prominent prophecy that foretells a series of cataclysmic events. This prophecy hints at a world-changing conflict and the ultimate sacrifice to preserve the realm.

These myths and legends serve as a source of inspiration, guidance, and entertainment for the Edhelleri, instilling a sense of pride in their cultural heritage and connecting them to the ancient spirits of their land.

The Mad War Prophecy by Gabrielle Decker



Articles under Edhelleri

Cover image: Prophecy of the Frozen Desert by Gabrielle Decker


Author's Notes

Bottom scroll designed by Stormbril.
Special thanks to for reviewing the article prior to publication!

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May 29, 2023 20:31 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Oooo interactive elements.   What a beautiful and intricate article. I love all of the little bits of information about the Edhelleri and their customs and culture. Firedancing sounds beautiful, and I'm very intrigued by the shimmershell instrument! :)   I like the snippets of mythology too.

May 31, 2023 01:47 by Gabrielle Decker

Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment! The Edhelleri are pretty important to the plot of my book, so this article has been a long time in the making. It's definitely going to be expanded on in the future.   Secret: The shimmershell instrument was a last minute thing I threw in while typing the article. I have no idea what it is (yet!) but it sounded too cool to pass up! :P

May 31, 2023 13:54 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

That's always the best bit of worldbuilding. :D

Jun 6, 2023 16:18 by Lilliana Casper

It took me a while to get to read this article, but I love it so much. All the interactive parts, details, images, and information. I especially liked the name generator and how many names it came up with. I would love to read more about these myths and legends that the Edhelleri have as well as possibly more about the firedancers. Overall, an excellent article and I can't wait to read more!

Lilliana Casper   I don't comment much, but I love reading your articles! Please check out my worlds, Jerde and Tread of Darkness.
Jun 7, 2023 00:20 by Gabrielle Decker

Thank you for your feedback! I never know what info to include, so I really value comments like this! This article, and the subsequent tribe articles, will be updated quite a few times within the near future as I work on a couple other things that are related (i.e., the government article for the United Tribes of Synead). All my articles are kinda organic and change and grow as I develop each new article, so stay tuned!

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