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Drow, or dark elves, are one of the many subraces of elves in Ekaia. They live almost exclusively in the Underdark and are known for their sensitivity to sunlight. Their skin can range from dark gray to completely black, their hair is usually white and sometimes silvery, and their eyes are usually silvery-gray, green, red, or purple.   Drow society is matriarchal and is founded on duplicity, cunning, and self-interest. Devotion to deities such as Djudla-Mei, Shard, and Kan Zul is not only socially acceptable but common. The way drow live has been conclusively observed to be evil by any established standards. This matter was left alone, and drow considered categorically and invariably enemies of the surface, until the efforts of Lord Wivvyrholdalphiax Adrex after the events of the Eventide, which involved the establishment of the drow haven on the surface known as the Upperlight.

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