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The Volkhaven is an isolated region of Gaulvista bordered by the Feywood to the north, the Torbord Mountains to the south and east, and the Datric Ocean to the west. The only safe connection to the rest of Gaulvista is the port town of Creviston, which regularly receives ships from Silune during the spring, summer, and fall.   Volkhaven is sparsely populated by about 6,000 humanoids, mostly spread out over several small villages. Communication with villages apart from Creviston is rare and there has been some discussion on whether keeping Volkhaven as part of Gaulvista is worth the resources that must be spent to maintain contact with its peoples.


"They always put me off, a bit. Never thought they was evil, but they was sure different. Like even they had a little fey to 'em."
Captain Eldin Jerrinford of Silune39 trips to Creviston
What specifically comprises the humanoid races of Volkhaven is not entirely known. While the estimate based on the 990 census was about 6,000, this does not take into account other native races living in the region who are not documented citizens of Gaulvista, including eladrin, firbolgs, and dryads. Small groups of eladrin are known to sometimes venture outside of the Feywood and even occasionally communicate with humans--though such communication is typically one-on-one and done with no witnesses. A small firbolg population is known to exist in Longshadow, Volkhaven's largest forest, and dryad sightings have been reported throughout Volkhaven, though these are usually impossible to substantiate.   The humanoid peoples of Volkhaven are known to be slightly different as well. It is widely thought that the influence of the Feywood and the Torbord mountains, at the very least, leads to an abnormally high rate of wild magic sorcerers among the humanoid populace. Of the documented Gaulvistan citizens of Volkhaven, 30% are elves, 25% human, 15% halfling, 10% gnome, 7% dwarf, 6% half-orc, 3% tiefling, 2% half-elf, 1% dragonborn, and 1% other. It is generally believed that some percentage of those identifying as humans are in fact aasimar.
Alternative Name(s)
Man's stomping ground

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