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HHI Session 13: Girls' Lakeside Cruise

General Summary

Month 4, Week 2, Year 908
While Balasar was searching around town for information on the suspicious red dragonborn he'd met the other day, the other members of Seeking Scorpions decided to venture out of the city and explore some potential locations for the Gatekeeper's stronghold. They met a female kuo-toa at the docks named Cpt. Blipool who agreed to give the group an abridged three-day tour of Lake Yasai and the surrounding islands.    The first stop was Lankenau Island, an abandoned strech of land covered in dense jungle about sixty miles from the docks of Shisu. With Log in tow the party surveyed the island's interior, discovering the remains of a building that had collapsed in ruin countless years ago. Blipool explained how the island used to be home to a compound used by the ancient Myltev Empire of the world's 2nd Cycle, but nobody could figure out what the buildings were used for. Over camp that night Mavis did some flirting with Log, and the lizardfolk agreed to hook up with the kenku warlock.    That night after Mavis and Log's intimate encounter, Ownka was awoken to the sound of rustling coming from the jungle's edge. A shadowy figure stared at the party with dark red eyes, warning in a raspy voice that the group was trespassing on Myltevian territory. Ownka tried to scare the ghost away with some 'Thaumaturgy', waking up the rest of the party as the spirit grew more hostile (and racist). Mavis and Log were stunned by some indecipherable moaning from the ghost, but Ownka managed to deliver a couple of powerful blows with an enchanted weapon. Log's 'Guiding Bolt' dealt an incredible amount of damage to the spirit, and even after a second ghost appeared nearby the party was able to repel both creatures in a matter of seconds. Spooked by the supernatural encounter, the party agreed to spend the night sleeping on the sailboat and making their way towards their next destination. The ghost had warned that it would take more than just a single encounter to banish it from the island, an important warning if the island were to become home to the Gatekeeper's new stronghold.    The next day Blipool sailed the party over to Riddle Island, a swampy section of Lake Yasai left abandoned save for the occasional druid or shaman. This part of the Lake was also close to The Way of the Range, a remote mountain chain home to several prestigious monasteries and dojos. Already Mavis and the others had discovered two promising locations for the Gatekeeper's stronghold.    Ownka, Log, and Mavis bushwhacked through the dense swamp while Ithilwen slept away last night's spectral encounter. Log, no stranger to rugged terrain, saved Mavis and Ownka on several occasions from falling into the deeper bogs. After a couple hours of exploring the party came across a camp where a couple of kenkus were having dinner for the night, the party failing to hide behind some nearby reeds. The kenkus were on the offensive with hands radiating eldritch energy, but the tension diffused when one of the kenkus recognized Mavis. Against all odds, the old kenku found herself face-to-face with Gwendolyn Ra, one of her old partners in crime before parting ways a couple decades ago.    Over a hearty campfire dinner, Gwendolyn explained to Mavis how she had started working for a new group that tracked dangerous individuals. Currently her group had tasked her the apprehension of a red dragonborn accused of arson in several countries, last spotted heading into the Northern Territories. Mavis and Ownka both knew she was talking about fellow party member Balasar, but they left Gwendolyn on amicable terms and headed back to Blipool's sailboat. They both agreed that Gwendolyn may have to be killed one day if she came after Balasar.    Camping out on the boat, Blipool sailed the party back to Shisu the following day in record time. She dropped the group off at around midnight, the party pleased with their lakeside cruise.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Cpt. Blipool - the kuo-toa captain of a small sailboat that escorted the party around Lake Yasai
  • Gwendolyn Ra - a kenku woman who used to work under Mavis, having traveled up the Northern Territories in search of a red dragonborn
Report Date
26 Sep 2020
Primary Location
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Featured Players


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