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Lakefinder Session 14: Winning Bets

General Summary

Month 13, Week 2, Year 935
  Waiting for the eveningtime to begin their investigations, the party took some time to relax on a cold winter's day. Leena found Kai meditating on a building, staring out at the Arrayas Ocean and contemplating his identity. With some reassurances from his fellow party member Kai determined that he was in fact a human, choosing to listen to the words of his father and ignore society's half-orc labels.    The party headed over to the Casino Sur la Mer to get intel about Siltral from the high society high elves in town. Leena's winning streak at bounder impressed a woman named Glynni, who talked all about the elven superfans excited for the premiere of Siltral's racist play. Glynni provided the name of one such individual the party could follow up on, but on the condition that they retrieve a stolen relic from the Handgun for her.    The rest of the night was spent leaping (and falling) from rooftops throughout Havre's Circus Park, Eraji locating Ysmyrelda's safehouse and tracking her scent through the city's skyline. The two tried to come to a truce during a friendly conversation, but Karly burned that bridge by tossing a fireball at the thief who'd stolen 25GP from her. Ysmyerlda tried racing over rooftops to escape the party, but with four against one they quickly outmaneuvered her while Leena bashed the Handgun agent's kneecap in with a mace.     Ysmyrelda returned the 25GP and told them the location of the Handgun hideout in Havre, warning that her thieves guild would take this attack as an act of war. The party raced over to the theater where the hideout was located, letting Kai beat up Froggiam before retrieving the magic item for Glynni: a mummified dragon claw with twitchy talons.

Rewards Granted

  • 20 XP - Showing up
  • 30 XP - Moderate accomplishment
  • 160 XP - Beating up Handgun agents
  • Karly reclaimed her stolen 25GP

Character(s) interacted with

  • Glynni - Wealthy elven woman who likes to gamble and gossip
  • Flick Patras - doing some more 'research' in town
  • Ysmyrelda Starr - just doing her job
  • Froggiam - the first foe defeated by Kai
Report Date
28 Aug 2024
Primary Location
Featured Characters


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