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Noodles Habanero

Toady Chair

A male bullywug and navigator aboard the Coursing Venom. Somewhat awkward in social encounters, his marksmanship skills became the stuff of legend even if he was often misidentified in bounty posters as Yel'ah.

Physical Description

Special abilities

  • Fighter, Eldritch Knight

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Noodles grew up in what used to be the Elflands Empire until the Sunken God's Reign of Terror threw all of Southern Pescat into disarray. Separated from his brother and family, Noodles learned to fend for himself and learn skills that would keep him alive in even the most dire of circumstances. A stint at Scherazad Academy in Rakka gave him plenty of valuable hands-on training in martial combat, the kind of experience that he'd use in his thankless grunt work aboard multiple shipping vessels.    Growing bored with his circumstances, a surprise raid on his ship by Cpt. Dolooloobogg and the Holy Boaters completely changed the trajectory of his life. He quickly rose up the ranks of the Boater, his navigation and marksmanship skills becoming vital tools in the crew's successful series of raids in the summer of 924. He brokered alliances with contacts in Nekutalin, performing the occasional hit job or bombing campaign for the blue dragonborn Dranaya in return for access to some of the city's best forges.    By the fall of 924 Noodles' reputation had reached a point that his long-lost brother Froggy Chair was able to recognize him from even the most botched of bounty posters. While Noodles stayed aboard the newly-renamed Coursing Venom under the leadership of Cpt. Zureth, he took plenty of time in Nekutalin to catch up with his brother and the quarter-century of time spent apart from each other.


Contacts & Relations

Hobbies & Pets

  • Gulliver, a french-fry loving seagull
Year of Birth
884 51 Years old
Sunset Orange
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Green Teal


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