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SR Session 3: The Empress Falls

General Summary

Month 11, Week 3 - Month 11, Week 4, Year 935
  From Telarion's Mind: 
  It was a roll of the dice taking over the body of this drow corpse, but so far the rewards have outweighed the risks. Already the adventurers traveling with this body have proven amenable to my goals, listening as I chronicle the countless ways industry has defiled this planet. I'll put them to the test the first time we come across a railway hub or airship base.    Their powers are impressive, that much is for certain. Confronting the spirit of an ancient archmage, dispatching her with a couple of bullets, all to give me a powerful meal to enjoy in the form of her soul. I can still hear her protestations as her life essence dissolves, the corpse will certainly enjoy these new abilities obtained from such a powerful spirit.     I was ready for the violence to continue, but instead these adventurers have chosen a more peaceful route since defeating the archmage. They met with one of the hags to deliver one of the archmage's fingers, the hags can be useful allies but I know they have agendas of their own. But as the party returned to town they continued to choose the peaceful route, even when that tabaxi accused them of necromancy they simply chose to flee rather rather than cut her throat out!   These adventurers are now outlaws, and such peacefulness is no longer an option. Few places on the continent will be safe with the tabaxi and her allies at our backs, I'll ensure extreme measures are taken to ensure our survival if nobody else will.

Rewards Granted

  • The party obtained the Empress' Scepter
  • The party obtained the Empress' +2 Leather Armor

Character(s) interacted with

  • The Empress - one of the powerful archmages of Old Myltev, now deceased
  • Telarion - the manitou spirit dwelling inside Sivana and a violent eco-terrorist
  • Other Henry Humblefoot - Captain of the Treeleaf Union garrison oversee the Old Myltevian ruins
  • Auntie Lindworm - she makes a great soup
  • Step of the Wind - a tabaxi ranger and leader of the Bug Punchers
  • Kali Taldou - a legendary adventurer
Report Date
07 Sep 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Featured Characters
  • Kef 
  • Radahn Dengar 
  • Sivana Malice 


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