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The Lone Pilgrim

General Summary

Month 6, Week 3, Year 935
  A Letter from Welgrace to High Priest Heiwa of Sanjuro City
  Your Holiness,   I have surveyed the Koulan Forests as you requested, and your suspicions unfortunately have proven to be correct. A rotting corruption seeps from its interior, threatening all of the Northern Territories if left unabated.   I heeded your advice and took a less-traveled path into the Forests, sailing up to Kita Outpost before trekking south past Kori into the unclained reaches of the woods. As you feared, the forests have soured into hopelessness as the primordial spirit guarding these lands now yearns for death. The trees are listless even in the summer, creatures slouching through the woods in a sense of apathy. As I write this letter in Mokazai the loggers I've spoken to have all grumbled about smaller harvests year after year.   The primordial spirit of Koulan makes no effort to hide this fact, when confronted during my travels the entity explained that a necromancer had agreed to harvest its soul in a few years time. This ritual would transform the forests into a shriveled husk of a wasteland! As defenders of Ekal, the Ageless One and her acolytes must find a new entity to oversee these forests to prevent such a desolate future.   But this is not the only threat found in the deepest reaches of the forest: a druid dabbles in poisons and diseases, threatening to ignite a pandemic not seen since the days of the Redpox plague. I was unable to locate her on my travels but I suffered a taste of their abilities, waylaid for several days by a vicious illness. Difficulty breathing, purplish skin, feverish sweating, I'll have our clerics review these symptoms so they'll be prepared to identify them in the future.   The rest of my journey was dangerous but manageable, I slew a giant spider that impeded my travels and I restored a statue of the Ageless One defaced by some previous traveler. I've communicated with Shroud agents here in Mokazai, and they've agreed to increase their surveillance of the forests to try and apprehend the rogue druid. I understand that you have other matters to deal with and that the Ageless One's current stance in world affairs is one of neutrality, but I will voice my belief once again that we as an institution should take a more active hand in dealing with world affairs. The world is changing at a rapid pace, and we must be vigilant to ensure the world that comes next is one still faithful to the Ageless One.
Report Date
22 Jun 2024
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Featured Characters
  • Welgrace 


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