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Book of the Occult

This strange book is written in a mix of the common tongue and Infernal. It seems to have belonged to Haley, the Night Hag, and may have been her Grimoire (ritual book). It was found in the mayor of Nistaun's home.   The book has some information on the lower planes, particularly Hades. It also contains the following rituals:
  • Find Familiar
  • Unseen Servant
  • Circle of Restraint (Lv3)
  • Summon Lesser Devil (Lv3)
Summoning a lesser devil will summon an Imp.   In a section of the book which seems to have been cornered off for a quick note read the words "The world snake hungers. Its time is soon." The words are written in Infernal and are accompanied by a symbol:  
Manuscript, Magical (Tome/Scroll)
Vellum / Skin


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