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Dawn of Creation

Artist's depiction of The Goddess being split into multiple deities.
    The tale of the world's creation, told by an old bard...     Before the world and life as we know it, there were only five beings of immense power.   Ventus – summoner of mighty storms and gentle breezes, Aquilus – master of the raging seas and trickling streams, Ekinus – strong as a mountain and malleable as mud, and Flarus - a raging inferno of immeasurable flame. And then there was The Goddess – the most powerful and perfect being in the universe – who wanted to create something special from the elemental chaos. She saw the potential in the titans to be the constructers of our world and she would be the architect. To each titan, she gave a specific task.   "Ekinus" she spoke, "I task you with the creation of the land. Form the mountains and the valleys, the plains and the forests, the sand and the stone. When your task is complete, you may rest and forever have a home here."   Ekinus understood the command, and did as The Goddess bade. With the earth titan's tectonic power the land was formed. Everything you see of the land is Ekinus' creation (hence the name of our beloved planet).   "Aquilus", The Goddess continued, "I task you with the creation of the waters. Form the seas and the oceans, the rivers and the lakes, the streams and the ponds. When your task is complete, you may rest upon Ekinus, and forever have a home here."   Aquilus understood the command, and did as The Goddess bade. With the water titan's flowing power the great oceans and lakes were formed. When you look out upon the stirring sea, or down at a calming lake, you are truly looking upon the work and body of Aquilus.   All the while this was going on, Flarus, the titan of fire, was getting impatient. Flarus had long been teased by the other titans for its lack of ability to create. As we know, fire can only destroy. As the other titans were each given a task in turn, Flarus believed it would be forgotten.   "Ventus", The Goddess spoke once more, "I task you with the creation of the atmosphere. Form the thunder and the lightning, the gusts and the gales, the breeze and the air. When your task is complete, you may rest upon Ekinus and Aquilus, filling all the empty spaces of this new land as you will forever have a home here."   Ventus understood the command, and did as The Goddess bade. With the air titan's blustering power the air we breathe came to be. When you fill your lungs, it's truly the body of Ventus that we inhale.   By this point, Flarus had heard enough. The other three titans had formed the entire planet, and filled it with their presence. Furious at this shunning, Flarus lashed out - striking the planet with its mighty flaming fist. (This is how the islands of flame came to be). Flarus rampaged, and threatened to destroy all that The Goddess had created.   The Goddess, being the ultimate power, used her Magic to bind Flarus; ending its rampage on the world. The Goddess punished the titan of fire, banishing it deep beneath the earth where it could do no further harm.   But The Goddess was sad, for she did have a task for the titan of fire - the most important task of all; to create life. As she walked upon her new world, she felt overwhelming loneliness. The titans were gone now, and although they had created some life - Ekinus had formed plants and beasts, Aquilus had spawned fish and other denizens of the deep, Ventus had hatched birds and other avian creatures... there was nobody for her to speak to, to converse with, to feel with. And so The Goddess returned to Flarus, and offered the titan a deal.   The Goddess could not forgive Flarus for what it had done, and so could not release the fiery beast from its constraints. But she did offer it a measure of freedom. Flarus would be able to extend its flames into the world, provided it would grant its power to create life. Only Flarus could create life with emotion and passion. The titan of fire agreed to The Goddess' terms, but it had a sinister motive. Flarus was perhaps the most malleable of the titans, and so it created intelligent, passionate life in all different forms; humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes - all the races we know now and maybe more! These new races would all come to worship The Goddess as we do today, but they worshipped her in many different ways - all praying with different methods and for different things. This turmoil and chaotic form of worship shattered The Goddess, breaking her apart in fragments. Each of these fragments took on a new form of it's own - for The Goddess could never be truly destroyed - and created the rest of our pantheon. These new goddesses performed their duties separately, each tending to the most urgent needs of the races; Love, Life, War, Money and Death.   The Goddess is not a being to be trifled with. She knew what Flarus had done, and to punish the titan further she carved out its heart with her great spear; The Lifegiver. The creature's heart - a humongous pure blue flame - could not survive being separated from the titan's body, and so it crystallised. The large blue crystal, still beating, would serve as The Goddess' reminder that although she is perfect, others are not so - particularly the creations of the fire titan.   The heart would serve another purpose however. On that day The Goddess swore that she would be whole again, and that one day the other goddesses would return to her, reforming to create the singular perfect deity - and the heart would be the focus to collect and store these lost shards of her power. When all the lost fragments are restored, she will consume the titan's heart to make herself whole.   Now, some say there's more to this story. That Flarus did not stop with the creation of the races we know today. The fire titan poured its hatred into its own creations - demons and devils; evil creatures to tempt and destroy us. This is nonsense though, as we all know devils and demons don't exist!
Date of Setting
-10000 BCE
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