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The Goddess

The creator of all things and ruler of the other 4 Goddesses. It is believed that praying to 'The Goddess' can help women with fertility, improve farming, heal the sick or in some cases aid in gaining favour with other Goddesses (if prayed to in addition to another goddess).   The Goddess is a common subject for artists of all types. She is often depicted as a beautiful pale skinned angel, with 4 great wings. She wears a glorious white and gold gown, containing the essence of the universe. She is often shown in artworks wielding a spear called 'The Lifegiver' which she uses to create new life.

Divine Domains

Life, Creation, Fertility, Healing, Farming


The Lifegiver

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Four Angel Wings


Divine Goals & Aspirations

Divine Classification
Related Myths


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