BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 15

General Summary

  • The party chill in their magical hut, awaiting dusk when they will meet their contact
  • To kill some time, Meepo heads into the field and tips a cow. With Celine's help, he manages to get it back up again
  • A farmer knocks on the hut to ask if the party plan to stay long, and is happy to leave them be after receiving some coin
  • Deciding that waiting in a field is a bit boring, the party decide to go to Madame X
  • Blair and Celine both indulge in the magical services of Madame X this time, opting for a Blissful Reverie - a magically induced sleep like state, which rejuvinates the body and relaxes the mind
  • Meepo experiences the same headache when approaching this branch of Madame X, and so opts to head to the tavern with the rest of the party
  • When asking about Meepo's condition, the staff at Madame X belay their ignorance, but something doesn't quite seem right
  • The party regroup for lunch at The White Flag tavern, meeting the dwarven proprietor and his very well-groomed beard
  • The Dwarf recommends going to Enchanted Elegance should the party which to achieve a similar luxurious style
  • The group take the Dwarf's advice, and Blair treats herself to a haircut, while Meepo undergoes a hair-growth treatment, on his snout
  • Within just a few minutes, Meepo is sporting a lovely blue-tinged beard along the bottom of his snout
  • The party return to their hut until sundown, where they head back to Osyrn's Rut
  • Osryn points the group to a table, where a hooded man sits sipping a drink
  • The shady gentleman, Ryan Jackman, confirms that he has information on Adriana, but isn't willing to part with it easily
  • The party agree to let Ryan forge a copy of their Kuretian documentation, which he plans to use to get into South Haven. He uses the name "Alexis Dawnmire" at the party's request
  • Ryan tells the group that Adriana was staying in a nearby hay barn in order to stay hidden. She asked him about the status of Colere's holy war, as well as the numbers and abilities of the Seekers of Truth, a holy order than resides at the Tower of Heaven, and are protected from the conflict as they study the site
  • Ryan believes that Adriana may have been planning to rob the tower, but is very doubtful in her success
  • The party head to the hay barn, where they find nothing more than a silver coin and some strange pink mud
  • They then head to the farmhouse, where they meet Jim and Margaret McDonald
  • Jim, who seemingly isn't quite all there, lets the party in happily without any question
  • His daughter Margaret is a little more concerned with the adventurers arrival, but is convinced easily enough of their good intent
  • The pair did not recall anyone staying their hay barn, though Jim believes that this master thief may be responsible for his missing pitchfork
  • The party head back to Osryn's Rut, where they discover that the pink mud may be from the Tower of Heaven itself. Apparently the soil around the tower is tinged pink due to the magical trees that grow there. As the mud dries, the pink colour intensifies
  • Returning to the hay barn the following morning, Roan speaks with the horses there
  • The horses reveal that Adriana was indeed staying there. She arrived some time ago, left for a while, then returned a few days later very angry, and with strange black lines on her face.
  • Groban remembers a previous encounter with a Coleran the group had, a mysterious woman who did not want a certain sentient sword returned. He contacts her via the Sending Stone she gave them, warning her that the tower may be robbed, and asking for aid in aprehending the thief
  • The woman, not too happy with the outcome of their previous meeting, does not dain to offer any aid
  • Unsure of what to do from here, the party ponder their next move...
  • Report Date
    25 Aug 2023


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