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Colere is Kureta's western neighbour, on the other side of the Igma Mountains.   Colere's rule is split between various Lords, who each control a portion of the country. Each Lord has a magical crest which grants them access to certain magics. Should a Lord conquer a neighbouring region, they can claim that region's crest as their own, strengthening their power.   As a result of this, Colere is in a constant state of flux - and has been since the country's founding. This infighting doesn't leave much room for alliances to be made with the country, but limited trade does occur between the strange nation and its neighbours.   Colere is a very flat nation, with not much in the way of hillsides or mountains. A large portion of its eastern territory is taken up by swamp, however.


Colere is currently split into 6 dominions - though this number has changed throughout history. Each dominion is ruled by a "Lord" (who can be of any gender) and their respective house.   The current dominions of Colere are:     Within each dominion, one can find towns, villages, and even a couple of cities - as they would within any nation. These settlements are all aligned with the ruling Lord of their dominion, and will fight for their Lord when inevitable battles break out. In exchange for their loyalty, the Lords of each dominion will grant their followers magical blessings using their family crests.


Colere is unlike any other nation in Ekina. Much of the Colerans' culture and beliefs come down to what each Lord believes is at the top of the Tower of Heaven. Each dominion has their own ideas on what waits within, and this largely forms the way that citizens of each dominion act.   The country is highly religious, and one belief remains consistent amongst the dominions - whoever can enter the Tower of Heaven and ascend to the top will be blessed. This is where the similarities end, however.   Nobody knows for sure who is responsible for the tower's existence, and this is the biggest reason for the conflict.   Sun's Rest and Goddess' Grace both believe that the tower is a gift from The Goddess, and that claiming the tower would bestow immortality to the Lord that enters. However, the two dominions argue over how such a gift would best be utilised. Goddess' Grace would see such a divine boon used to further The Goddess' cause, spreading their church to all corners of the world. Sun's Rest believe that this gift is intended to anoint a "chosen one", who will bring peace and prosperity (among other things) to Colere.   Mountain's Reach believe the tower was created by Hostetta, who used her mighty sword to carve up the country into the original dominions. Hostetta instigated this forever-war as a challenge to find the mightiest warrior. Whoever should claim the tower would receive the blessings of Hostetta and be rewarded with superhuman strength and an unquestionable rule of the nation.   The Marshes believe the tower was created by an unknown entity. This being has no official name but is simply referred to as "The Sojourner". They claim that The Sojourner came to Ekina from another world and built the tower as its home. It was this being that bestowed the unique crest Magic to Colere, and once somebody can gather all the crests, they will be granted entry into the great home of The Sojourner. At this point, this other-worldly being would take the successful Lord and their followers to the being's home world, where they will know no pain, and experience only joy.   Both South Haven and East Haven believe the beautiful tower to be a gift from Adonia. The two dominions were once united, but infighting resulted in a split between the land, with two sister Lords claiming half of the area each. Both Havens believe mostly the same thing - that claiming the tower would bless the victorious Lord with eternal youth, unspeakable beauty, and everlasting happiness. These blessings would spread to their lands too. The two sisters disagreed on who would claim the boon, each believing themselves to be the most worthy of Adonia's blessings.

Public Agenda

Each of the Lords of Colere promises their subjects a share of the divine blessing that will be bestowed by the Tower of Heaven. Dependant on each dominion’s belief, this could either be a direct sharing of the boon - or using the divine blessing to better the lives of the people.   The country is in a constant state of civil war, and anyone wishing to join the fight directly is rewarded well. Lords are always seeking new warriors for the fight and will often pay entire families for their service.


The goddesses are accepted as the only religion in Colere, just like the other nations of Ekina. Colere uses the same names as Kureta for the goddesses.   Unlike Kureta, however, Colere is much more fervent in its worship. The constant warring between dominions has resulted in a large dependency on the perceived blessings of the goddesses - particularly, Hostetta.   Colere has a high number of clerics compared to other nations, such as Kureta and Sonkai. Historically, most Lords of Colere will have a clerical advisor, who will either provide divine guidance, fight in their wars, or both.   Large temples and churches can be found across the country, with organised religion being commonplace. These churches are operated by the settlements, with priests being paid for their services.   Colere also has a central religious organisation, known as the Seekers of Truth. These Seekers are exempt from the constant warring of the dominions and are allowed to travel freely across the country. The Seekers spend most of their time learning the secrets of the Tower of Heaven. Despite their offical stance as a neutral organisation, they have been known to take bribes in exchange for knowledge.

Foreign Relations

Colere has very few relations with its neighbouring countries, as its own constant civil war makes it very difficult to make alliances.

Agriculture & Industry

Colere is a mostly flat nation, which allows for great farming. The nation churns out a great deal of grain, meat, vegetables, etc.   Mountain's Reach, Sun's Rest and Goddess' Grace all provide an abundance of seafood for their respective dominions.   East Haven has a very lucrative mining operation, pulling a range of materials from the Igma Mountains.   Folk from The Marshes have been known to tame wild beasts from the vast swamps. They have even been able to use alligators in battle.

Trade & Transport

Trade between the dominions of Colere is not unheard of - though is very rare. Historically, when two Lords have been able to work out a deal that proves highly beneficial to both parties, trade has been accomplished.   With the constant threat of being attacked by other dominions, travel across the country can be difficult. Members of a Lord's household will usually carry documentation with them, to prove that they belong within their own dominion.


Education in Colere is often reserved for those with money, or those who have proven that they have an aptitude for academics. Most children will be expected to learn a trade, either their family’s business or by becoming an apprentice. Many young Colerans will work as servants for the various Lords, who in exchange provide lodgings and food.   With the constant civil war that divides the country, much of Colere's youth end up training to be soldiers. The Lords require a constant stream of fighters for their battles, and reward those who join the fight quite well.   Another option for those wishing to better themselves, is to join the clergy. Clerics are highly sought after in Colere and can make a fantastic living.   Purveyors of arcane Magic are less common but do also exist within the country. There is no official "magic school", but minor spellcasters can be found in Colere, and have been known to take on apprentices.

Mythology & Lore


  • Colere
  • Eastbrooke
Geopolitical, Country
Training Level
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Colere is no "official" currency, as many Lords have come and gone over the years, each minting their own coins. Merchants of Colere accept any coin, provided it be of gold, silver, copper, etc.
Major Exports
  • Clerics
Major Imports
  • Stone
  • Crafted Items
Legislative Body
The Lord of each dominion.
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations


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