BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 2

General Summary

  • Their first bronze mission complete, the party enjoy a nice meal and some drinks before heading to bed for the evening
  • The following morning, they accept their 2nd mission - to deliver a "chicken supreme" to someone called "Lawrence"
  • The missions seems simple enough, and they head to The Bronzemere Tavern to collect the food
  • Upon arrival, they meet Braden Silvermane, a cheerful Dwarf who suddenly goes stiff at the mention of Lawrence's Chicken Supreme
  • Braden leads the group into the stables, where he produces a small casket, with some liquid sloshing around inside
  • Having handed over the item, Braden comes back to his senses and quickly retreats to the taproom
  • The party make their way to the address provided by Braden, passing a duo of Pulcra worshippers on the way
  • Arriving at the large estate, the party find that the property is in desperate need of some TLC. A low-lying fog and some bats hint at what waits inside...
  • The front door is opened by a fancily-dressed man, who invites the party in. Lawrence introduces the party to his wife, and instructs them to take the casket to the top floor
  • The party creep over some vines on the way up the stairs, before bumping into Guilliem who is in the midst of magically communicating with someone
  • Guilliem pulls the party into a room, realising he has been overheard. He asks that the group keep his secret - he has hired vampire hunters to kill his housemates. Apparently they don't treat him very well, and deserve to die.
  • The group agree to keep the secret, but upon leaving the tiny room are confronted by Kevin
  • Kevin begins to bore the party with inane conversation, which begins to have some kind of mentally draining affect on the group
  • They quickly push past, and head up to the attic
  • Inside, the find an elderly looking man lying on a bed
  • The man beckons for them to come closer, and to feed him the contents on the casket (which is blood)
  • Upon consuming the blood, the man - a vampire - sits up and attacks the group
  • The vampire manages to score some nasty bites on some of the group, but is eventually defeated - turning to mist and floating away
  • Another man enters, and is shocked to find that the party have killed The Viscount. He doesn't seem overly concerned however - just mildly frustrated and somewhat impressed
  • The party head back downstairs, and receive their promised bonus. They manage to avoid the vampires' attempts at hypnosis (except for Meepo) and head back to the MacGuffin Gatherer's
  • They collect their reward, and after enjoying another meal and chat, head up to bed
  • That night, Blair has a dream, or possibly a vision... she spots one of the cleric's of Pulcra standing in the street, staring up at her window. The woman disappears, and as Blair turns - she is confronted by a looming, hooded figure. The being leans in close to Blair's face and simply says "I've found you"
  • Report Date
    24 Feb 2023
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location


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