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Takari Peak

Takari Peak is the nation's 2nd biggest city. It is one third of the trio of cities along the coast, known as 'The Triad'. Takari Peak is mostly known for its connection to Yukori Prison, a high security prison on a magically frozen island to the north. Takari Peak is the only way of getting to the island safely, and so all of Kureta's most dangerous and notorious criminals pass through here. For that reason, there is a strong presence of knights from The Order of the Shield, which results in a very low crime rate within the city itself.  

  Lord Ambrose Lefleur on a winter's day in Takari Peak
  Being a coastal city, there is naturally a high presence of sailors within the city too. There is an abundance of taverns within Takari Peak, catering to all sorts of customers from across the country and overseas.   The smell of sea salt permanently wafts through the air, along with a sometimes-overwhelming smell of freshly caught fish - Takari Peak's biggest export.   Takari Peak is ruled by a Council of Dukes, each with their own estate within the city.


Human: 60%
Half-Elf: 15%
Elf: 6%
Dwarf: 5%
Halfling: 3%
Other: 11%


Council of Dukes


Takari Peak began life as a small town - an offshoot of The Capital as its link to Yukori Prison. Over time, the increasing presence of Knights led to more taverns and other accommodation being built, which in turn attracted sailors from up and down the coast, as well as abroad. The growth continued for many years, and Takari Peak struggled to keep up with the increasing population for some time, before eventually being granted independent city status from Kureta City, with its own government who serve under the crown.


Most buildings within the city are crafted from stone (which is cut from the coastal cliffs) and wood from the Manto Woods to the south. The buildings here are nowhere near as elaborate as those found in Kureta City, serving a more pragmatic need to house the increasing number of citizens that have taken up residence.
Takari Peak is an interesting place. It is painfully clear that the city was never truly "planned", as you often find yourself walking down dead-end streets, or encountering some other architectual oddity. There is an unease on the streets too, everyone 'knows' crime is here, but nobody talks about or otherwise acknowledges it. I feel that the looming presence of Yukori Prison keeps the worst of it in check.

Flynvias Stillbrush


  • Takari Peak

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