BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 23

General Summary

  • After receiving their mysterious messages from the Whispering Coral Cove, the party return to basecamp for a night's rest.
  • Before heading to sleep however, they decide to do some sleuthing to see if they can pick up any further clues from their rival adventuring parties.
  • Meepo, Celine and Roan head out of their tent, disturbing someone who was apparently listening in on their tent.
  • Meepo follows some footprints in the sand, which leads to The Fist of Justice's tent. Inside, he hears Bleeg talking to his party apart what he has learnt.
  • Celine and Roan approach the tent too, and overhear their rivals talking about a "city lost to time".
  • Meepo makes a psychic connection with Bleeg, and tricks the Goblin into believing that the island itself is talking to him. Meepo instructs Bleeg to tell him if they discover anything interesting.
  • Celine and Roan move on to another tent, which belongs to Kinsey's Revenge. They don't gain any further insight into the mysterious of the island, but do learn that this group is striving to reach Platinum rank within the guild as soon as possible.
  • Groban sends Hootcules into the island to scout and report. The owl spots a strange blue light coming from a forest to the north, as well as the large crater in the island's centre.
  • During the night, several of the group witness a strange glowing light near the centre of the island. It appears at many different points of the night, before fading out.
  • The following morning, each party gathers for breakfast and a final few words in Brutus Knightsbridge's tent.
  • The competition gets truly underway, and each adventuring group sets off in a direction of their choice. The Green Gang head north up the beach, with all other groups heading south, and deeper into the island.
  • Collective Action decide to climb the cliffs, beliving a more direct route should get them ahead. After a slightly trepidatious climb, the party follow a dried-up river into the island.
  • Part way into the journey, the river suddenly roars to life. After some investigation, it seems the party have stumbled into an area of localised phenomenon, which is possibly showing them a scene from another time.
  • Moving on, the party encounter another strange area, this time however, it manifests a memory from Barnabus' past. Within the scene, the party witness a baby Barnabus, with his mother and grandmother standing over him in conversation.
  • As the scene fades, the party wonder exactly what is going on here. After some discussion, they continue on their way to the crater.
  • The crater appears to be at least a mile wide, and is quite deep - though the bottom is visible. Sending Hootcules down, they find a puddle of water at the base, but not much else.
  • Flying overhead, an eagle is seen observing the area, but doesn't do much else.
  • The group then retrace their steps, heading towards the forest with the strange blue glow.
  • On the way, they encounter another area which brings the past to life. This time, they witness a young Elf called Caderyn, in what seems to be a meeting where an arranged marriage is being discussed. The groom to be is an Elf called Sundamar Lightshiver, from Erfu.
  • Travelling north once more, the party eventually come to the beginning of the forest. Roan talks to a squirrel, who warns them about some translucent people in the woods. The critter also tells them that the blue glow is likely the forest's protection - Nobanion.
  • A little further into the woods, the party witness a scene from Roan's past. Within this memory, Roan is reminded of a lesson about the Mycorrhizal - a network of fungus that the druids can use to communicate across long distances.
  • Before she has a chance to give this a try however, the party find themselves surrounded by ghostly halflings - which begin charging towards the party.
  • Report Date
    16 Dec 2023
    Primary Location
    Related Characters


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