BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 24

General Summary

15th Fitin 1870 KCB.   In the midst of a battle with Halfling ghosts, one of which possess Celine, a lion with a fiery blue mane leaps into the fray, attacking the party. The battle proves tough, with both Blair and Celine falling unconscious, but eventually the spirits and lion are defeated.   Seemingly more talkative, the lion introduces himself as Nobanion. He unfolds a tale of the island's history, recounting how he and other animal beings were once revered by the Halflings. These beings, empowered by Halfling reverence, protected and served the community until "The Calamity." Before this catastrophic event, the island housed two cultures—one in Harmony with nature and the animals, the other residing in a city called Vodas, focused on crafting, Magic, and the worship of "other" entities.   Following The Calamity, where something fell from the sky and destroyed everything, Nobanion slowly succumbed to madness. He continued to roam his forest, safeguarding the spirits of the Halflings. The lion reveals that Lupectra, a fellow guardian responsible for guiding the dead to the afterlife, has been neglecting his duties. Nobanion believes Lupectra is alive but hindered in fulfilling his role. He implores the party to find and aid Lupectra, promising a favor once the spirits have been laid to rest.   Further revelations unfold about the island's past, including the previous presence of creatures similar to the Chuul encountered by the party. Nobanion escorts them to the forest's edge, where they enter another memory-evoking area. Here, they witness Groban's escape from prison with the help of a white-haired woman.   Leaving the forest, the party heads south towards the ruined city. Along the way, they pass a large rocky plateau, with a lone woman trapped on the island for centuries. Revealing herself as a succubus, she proposes a Hellish contract to break her curse, and Groban, after much deliberation, agrees.   Continuing to the flattened city, the group find nothing save for a large circular building at its center. Hootcules spies The Fist of Justice on the other side of the ruins. Blair discovers broken tools with symbols similar to the party's tattoos in what seems to have been a workshop.   Rushing to the circular building, the party enters another memory, this time belonging to Celine. As a young Elf, Celine witnesses a disturbing conversation with her father, leading her to question the alignment of this memory with her father's faith. The group press on to the circular building.
Report Date
12 Jan 2024
Primary Location


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