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Military Rallié

  Harmony grew up in Kaiz, where her love for music first blossomed. She moved to the capital with her friends Ilamin Taren and Eva Monroe (Millicent Smith at the time), who she had a somewhat unfriendly rivalry with. Harmony often showed up her rival, and prided herself on outdoing others.    Previously a student at the College of Exquisite Arts under the Master of Valour, Solaris Cyrene, Harmony graduated top of her class. Veda and Harmony always had a friendly rivalry during this time, pushing each other to be better and to grow.    Harmony currently serves as the Royal appointed bard for the Kuretian army, a position known as the "Military Rallié". Since taking this position, she has grown somewhat perturbed, as there aren't a lot of battles being fought in this time of peace...   Harmony is a petite half-elf with short brown hair. Despite her small stature, she has a voice like a foghorn and knows how to capture her audience.   In recent times, Harmony's disliking of Eva has grown into a full-blown spat. Harmony & Eva have been seen on many occasions making snide remarks to one another, and otherwise not getting along.     The Unlikely Association believe that Harmony has become aware of Eva's fiendish patron, and has sought out her own Archdevil to bolster her powers. Based on the nature of the magic Harmony has recently displayed, it is believed that she has taken a pact with Pride, The Arrogant.
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