BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 39

General Summary

Collective Action engages in a fierce battle with Lord Eldreth and his squirrel unit, quickly realizing that the tiny critters are far tougher than they appear. To make matters worse, the adventurers discover that they are fighting in a Wild Magic zone, with chaotic magical effects disrupting the battlefield. Throughout the battle, unpredictable bursts of wild Magic affect both sides, adding an extra layer of challenge.   Lord Eldreth, keeping his distance, fires poison-tipped arrows at the adventurers. Celine manages to get close to the Archfey but is promptly turned into a squirrel under his control. Meanwhile, the giant squirrel proves to be a formidable opponent, hurling massive nuts at the party and causing significant damage.   The chaotic nature of the Wild Magic zone leads to a series of bizarre effects during the battle: the party is temporarily transported to the Astral Plane, loses all their hair, and suffers various other strange occurrences. Despite these challenges, they manage to defeat the squirrels, and Lord Eldreth finally acknowledges their victory.   True to his word, Lord Eldreth rewards the group with Eloen’s forgotten secret, encapsulated in a proffered gem. Upon taking the gem, the adventurers learn that Eloen’s secret is a deep-seated fear of squirrels, stemming from a traumatic childhood encounter with the critters. With the battle over and their prize in hand, Lord Eldreth takes his leave.   The party heads south toward Eloen’s tower, but not before taking a rest in the forest. During their rest, an elven sentry warns them to keep their fire lit but low. That night, their camp is visited by an inquisitive Owlbear. Meepo, ever curious, approaches the beast and offers it some food, only to be chased back to the camp by the giant creature. Celine rescues Meepo and dives back into the safety of the Tiny Hut, while Groban bamphs the Owlbear away, ensuring it doesn’t return.   The following morning, the adventurers pack up their gear and continue their journey toward Dora Lake, ready to return to Eloen with the secret they’ve retrieved.
Report Date
09 Aug 2024
Primary Location


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