BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 51

General Summary

  • The newly released Nephilim looks at his saviours, before collapsing to the floor. Leah deduces that the purple liquid he was suspended in was acting as sustenance, and the sudden change in surroundings has likely exhausted him.
  • The group give the creature some clothes, and help him to his feet. The Nephilim is unaware of pretty much anything that has come to pass before this point. He remembers people standing outside his tube at various times in the past, but he could never fully see or hear them. As far as the Nephilim is aware, his entire life has been inside this tube.
  • The party move into another section of the lab, which Filth says were used to create the Changelings.
  • Upon entering this area, Atlas has a memory flood back to him. He recalls being inside one of these tubes, and hearing a man and woman talking. The woman says "I'm sorry" whilst pressing her hand to the glass.
  • Atlas finds the tube he believes he was kept in - marked "C-Alpha". Roughly 20 tubes fill this chamber, each labelled Changeling 1-20.
  • The party head back through Leah's badger tunnel, and try the password 'Sarah' on the locked door - to no avail.
  • Filth leads the group back through the tunnels to try and find The Biomancer.
  • On the way, they pass through the large chamber where the creature Filth warned them about resides. They are able to use a newer tunnel to sneak around this time, but an unfortunate slip on the wet stone floor alerts the beast to the party's presence.
  • A large turtle/crocodile/crab creature emerges from the water, and chases after the party. Atlas and Godric manage to keep it somewhat at bay, whilst everyone else escapes into another tunnel. Atlas is badly wounded by the beast, which seems to be invulnerable to harm.
  • The adjoining tunnel leads into a mining area, where Filth manages to persuade the goblin guards to let them all pass - as guests of their master. Though looking somewhat suspicious still, the goblins allow the group to pass unharmed.
  • The tunnels then loop around back towards Filth's quarters. On the way, the party encounter 2 icey golem-like creatures, which are handily destroyed with long-ranged attacks. Filth believes the creatures were referred to as 'Weirds' - a result of experimenting with different elements.
  • Coming back around towards Filth's quarters, Atlas spots 2 dwarven guards up ahead. Filth believes they are guarding a blacksmith who is being forced to create armaments for the lab. 
  • Eva disguises herself as The Biomancer, and manages to persuade the guards to let her pass. She begins to lead the blacksmith, Brunhilde Steelforger out of the room, when the rest of the party alert the guards to their presence.
Report Date
05 Mar 2021
Primary Location


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