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Nakaba is the smallest of the three cities that make up 'The Triad'; a trio of cities that sit on Kureta's coastline. Nakaba is perhaps the most isolated city of Kureta, both in terms of it's geological location and it's philosophies. The whole of Nakaba (including it's farmland) is kept behind a great wall that runs from the estuary to the cliffs of the coastline. Nobody gets in or out of the city without passing through the main gate and being accounted for. The citizens of Nakaba see this as a means of keeping them safe from any outside threat, however most outsiders see this as unnecessary paranoia - Kureta has known peace for generations.   Nakaba is the only settlement in the country that employs their own guard (as opposed to the Knights of the Shield). Nakaba's city guard are known as 'The Patrolmen' as their presence is very notable and they routinely have their guards patrolling the streets. The Patrolmen wear silver mail armour, with blue tabards displaying the city's emblem - a silver kite shield.   Outsiders often feel out of place when visiting Nakaba. There is a heavy presence of metal in their architecture, which gives the city a cold, industrial feel. Nakaba houses perhaps the largest number of dwarves outside of the Bounty Mine, and this is reflected in the craftsmanship of the city, as well as it's no-nonsense attitude to governance and every day life. This may also be the reason for the higher number of taverns than any other city, and sour smell the air tends to hold.   Nakaba is ruled by a Dwarf called 'Vanguard' Greta Boulderfist - a stout and serious woman of fierce intensity. She is often referred to as the 'Iron Queen', a stark contrast to the actual queen's title of the 'Gold Queen'. Greta has a heart of stone and a mind as sharp as steel. Everything she does is calculated and profitable in some way to herself or the city. She maintains a great relationship with the dwarves of the Bounty Mine, which provides the city with metals and gemstones in return for crops, meat and fish, and a powerful ally. Greta is looked upon by the citizens of Nakaba (particularly the dwarves) with admiration and respect. Though this is sometimes tested when the decisions she makes don't always seem to be in the best interest of everybody.


Humans: 60%
Dwarves: 25%
Half-Elves: 10%
Other: 5%




The Patrolmen

Industry & Trade

Nakaba's main exports are seafood (mostly spider crab from the nearby Crab Island), stone, crafts and mercenaries. In return, the city's main imports are specialists from Kureta City (as do most settlements), metals and gems from the Bounty Mine and lumber from Okin.
What can I say about Nakaba... the folk are as rough as the sea in a mid-winter's storm, and the soot that often fills the air makes it quite difficult to reveal the city's inner beauty, if it has any. Great ale though.

Flynvias Stillbrush


  • Nakaba

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