BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 52

General Summary

  • The party get into a fight with the dwarven guards who were guarding Brunhilde Steelforger. The dwarves are defeated, but one (who was pushed into the river) is rescued and kept alive as a prisoner.
  • Filth brings everyone into her quarters once more, and the dwarf is questioned. He reveals that the Patrolmen who work in the facility simply do so for the increased pay. He eventually recognises the party for who they really are after being asked about the Ruins of Akai expedition, which promptly ends his existence.
  • Brunhilde reveals that she has been held captive here for a few months. She was forced to produce fine weapons and armour for the army that the lab has been producing - many such items were magically enhanced after she created them. A few days ago she was told to stop making finer items, and instead focus on making more mundane pieces at a quicker rate.
  • Brunhilde equips herself with a mace from Marty and some armour, and joins the group in order to escape the facility.
  • Filth continues to lead the party to the Arcane Research sector, where she believes The Biomancer will be.
  • On the way, the party encounter no further resistance. As Atlas picks a tricky lock, the party hear a female voice calling for help above the constant howling.
  • Godric and Eva go to investigate, passing some altered humanoids on the way. The shouts of help seem to be coming from someone familiar - Commander Devianne.
  • Except this Devianne doesn't quite seem right, as she fails to answer some basic questions. The party eventually deduce that this person is an imposter, and the charade is dispelled.
  • Who or whatever this person is, they attempt to gain freedom through seduction and further pleas, but ultimately are left to their cell.
  • The party continue into the Arcane sector, and Eva spots a tiled floor littered with magical glyphs along the way.
  • The group begin to pick their way across the floor, but the weakened Nephilim slips - triggering one of the magical traps. There is a loud explosion, and the party turn - expecting the worst... but nothing happens. On reaction, the Nephilim somehow manages to catch the explosive energy, and the party watch as he dissipates it to nothing in his hands. Unsure of what happened, the group press on.
  • The next room contains 3 goblins, each of which pose no threat - but are somewhat disturbed. Each is muttering a different phrase, and seem to be somehow broken inside.
  • A couple of cells lead off of this room, one contains a dead male elf, the other is empty - save for blood stains on the floor.
  • Pressing on, the party enter a large chamber, bathed in purple light. A large ring stands at the far end, with swirling purple mist inside of it - clearly a gateway of some kind.
  • With no sign of The Biomancer, the group split up. Atlas, Eva and Veda head into the study, where Atlas finds a number of potions and spell scrolls. A diary sits on the table amongst the various tomes and research papers.
  • Leah and Godric head into an experimental chamber, and find a passed out female elf sprawled across a table. The elf is badly wounded, but alive. Her wounds are very recent, and fresh blood continues to pour out. A pair of giant bird wings are propped up against the table.
  • The elf is healed to a point where she is just able to speak. She warns that "he is still here" before a commotion at the far end of the lab disturbs them.
  • A giant ape appears from nowhere, knocking over equipment and reaching for a large shelf covered in instruments. The beast roars and readies for a fight.
Report Date
12 Mar 2021
Primary Location


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