BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 56

General Summary

  • Marty received a surprise visitor to her room in Chimuk - Tokira. The dark elf revealed that she was a Silent Owls assassin, and had been sent to kill Marty. Marty was able to discern with divine aid that Tokira was actually cursed by her dagger. Removing the curse freed the elf, who relinquished the dagger to Marty. 
  • Tokira warned that more dangerous assassins would continue to hound Marty until either the entire guild was defeated, or the person who placed the hit called it off.
  • No longer compelled to murder, Tokira fled into the night - promising to return her favour to Marty should she need it.
  • In the capital, the group head to the University Magic Shop to do a bit of shopping.
  • Atlas visits Adina, The Diviner to ask about his situation with Elena. The cooky divination wizard hasn't got much to offer, but promises to investigate.
  • Whilst talking to Adina, Atlas discovers that Ilea, The Illusionist has been investigating the nightmares with one of her students - who recently died.
  • The deceased student is the man who was found dead in his home. Terrence had recently created the 'Dream' spell for wizards, and whilst testing it, was attacked by an invisible force.
  • The party question whether a 'Plane of Dreams' could be a reality, and Ilea confirms that Terrence believed something along those lines could be the case.
  • Calling Abenthe, The Conjurer for assistance, the old wizards explains that he believes all demi/pocket planes to exist somewhere in the Deep Ethereal. If a Plane of Dreams were to be real, he suspects it would be found there.
  • His new Plane Shift spell should be able to send the party to the Deep Ethereal, though how they will find the Plane of Dreams (or get home) is another matter.
  • On the way to the conjuration chamber, the party bump into Valance.
  • The tiefling explains that she has thought about Leah's offer to be Reincarnated, but has decided to live with her true self. She has witnessed a different side to tiefling interaction whilst in the capital, and is starting to change her tune. She has recently completed an interview with the university to become a researcher in the field of fiends.
  • Abenthe sends the party into the Deep Ethereal, where they are immediately assaulted by whispers of dark thoughts and their deepest fears.
  • Leah hears the voice of Adonia, who shields the eladrin from the ill effects, and anyone within 10ft of her.
  • Adonia explains that the creature that resides here comes from Leah's own fears when she found herself trapped in the Deep Ethereal some years ago. With Adonia's blessing, she must confront the beast and put an end to the nightmares.
  • Adonia lights the way for the party, who begin their trek through the purple haze.
  • On the way, the party encounter an Erinyes who has recently escaped from Wrath's layer of hell. The Erinyes served as a prison guard, but failed in her duty. Wrath sought to punish the devil, but she managed to escape into the Deep Ethereal.
  • Marty offers some healing to the devil, who answers a few questions in exchange.
  • The party later encounter some kind of ethereal storm, but manage to wait out whatever effect it may have had by hiding in Atlas' wind wall.
  • Eventually the party come to the fabled Plane of Dreams. Various 'Dreamscapes' stretch out as far as they can see, each containing the dreams of a living being back on the Material Plane.
  • Adonia's path continues through the dreamers, leading to an area of large purple mist. The party step into the fog, to confront whatever awaits them inside...
Report Date
23 Apr 2021
Primary Location
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