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Kureta City

  Kureta City (often referred to simply as 'The Capital') is said to be "the creation of The Goddess herself" and the "perfect city". Legend has it that once The Goddess was content in her creation of the world, she placed the perfect city in Kureta for intelligent life to flourish and grow.   The Capital floats above an incredibly large lake and is kept aloft by a magic-fuelled machine in the depths of the city. Four beautiful and elaborate bridges extend from The Capital to the banks of the lake at the north, east, south, and western points of the city. These bridges are constructed almost entirely of Yew wood, a common material in the construction of bows and other flexible wooden creations, not so common for large constructions. It is commonly believed that the bridges were blessed by The Goddess to never perish, and that they represent the metaphorical bridges that form the relationships between neighbouring towns and cities. Legend has it that if a bridge were to ever fall, relations with communities that bridge connects to would diminish. It is believed that the western bridge was damaged in a Fire Dragon attack many years ago, and this resulted in the surrounding Deddo Forest withering. The western bridge has been a common topic of debate within the city for some time. It leads only to the dead and dangerous Deddo Forest, a place avoided by common folk at all costs. It is therefore believed that the western bridge must have once led to another trading partner for the city, which has been long since forgotten.   Kureta City is often viewed as the "perfect" city by those who reside within. The city is divided for the most part into 'blocks', making navigating the place very convenient. Each city block is numbered to keep travelling as easy as possible, even for first time visitors.   In the centre of the city sits the Royal Palace. This is where the current Queen resides, along with the royal family and their advisors. The Queen sits as the absolute ruler of Kureta City, as well as the nation of Kureta itself. Her family has ruled Kureta for as long as anybody can remember, and for most of that time has been shown the highest regard from the public, as fair and just rulers.  


Humans: 70%
Half-Elves: 10%
Elves: 5%
Halflings: 3%
Gnomes: 2%
Tieflings: < 1%
Other: < 10%


Mayoral / Monarchy

Industry & Trade

Kureta City is the main hub of trade, and all trading caravans travelling from the north to the south (or vice-versa) must travel through The Capital and pay taxes. Kureta City's main export is labour and crafts. It is a city of learned folk with a huge amount of expertise in all things, including smithing, construction, Magic, crafts, etc. For large or complicated works across the country, it is common for an expert or team of experts from The Capital will be hired. Kureta City's other export is crafted goods, such as weapons and armour, clothing, furniture, etc. In exchange, the city imports 90% of its food and other basic materials.


The architecture of Kureta City is truly something to behold. Most buildings are constructed of a substance known as 'Kurete', a firm white building material that can easily be moulded by Magic to create wonderful structures. Once positioned and manoeuvred into the desired form, Kurete will set hard as rock - with no seems or gaps. A building constructed in this way will often require the services of a team of trained magical construction workers, in some cases (such as the Royal Palace), involving multiple guilds working together. With this method of construction, architecture in Kureta City is seen to be as much of an art as sculpting - but there is a science to this construction too, as it is hugely important to ensure the final product will be able to withstand the forces of nature and be safe for the public. As such, mages who follow this line of work are required to attend special schooling once they have finished their magical studies.   To contrast the stark white Kurete buildings, plots of land are designated for public gardens. These gardens are maintained by the city and can be seen blooming with a wide variety of flowers and trees throughout the year.  


Floating city above Kureta Lake.
Ah, our nation's capital, the place where it all truly began for me. No matter where you go in the city, you always have such a grand backdrop of the castle. Positioned against the every day lives of the common folk, I feel this piece truly reflects Kureta City for the average inhabitant.

Flynvias Stillbrush


  • Kureta City
Alternative Name(s)
The Capital
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)

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