BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 57

General Summary

  • The party are separated as they enter the fog, each experiencing their own personal nightmare.
  • Leah returns to the Feywild, where she find Seth’aril has moved on and found a new wife, Tessa Nodel. Her mother, Ruenya wished for Leah to never return, admitting that her mission to investigate the Shadow Witches was just an excuse to get rid of her.
  • Godric has been sentenced to death for his dark heritage, and possibly for not feeding Harris enough fish. Devianne strips him of his rank and title, before condemning him to the executioners axe.
  • Eva has given up all of her talents and power in exchange for keeping her child. The baby, somehow able to talk, explains that they only have each other now, and that motherhood is all that Eva has left.
  • Veda finds her home invaded by lusty women who are ogling Dermot, before being taken out into a destroyed Kureta City. Her son has grown into the destructive being everyone fears he will become, and is set to destroy everything.
  • Marty finds herself leading a meeting of her Black Masks, but is interrupted by Sissy stabbing her, apparently now working for the Silent Owls. Her other trusted companions do nothing to interfere, and a giant owl confirms that the assassins have taken over Marty's network.
  • Atlas is discussing how to capture Maddy Skulldrummer with his old companions, Drake Chosa and Elena. Whilst chatting, he transforms into the criminal, and is then chased through Hiku City by his comrades.
  • Eventually, everyone is released from their nightmare - some faring better than others. The group find themselves still separated, and confronted by humanoid creatures of purple fog.
  • Defeating these creatures clears some of the fog around them, though Leah is face-to-face with the Nightmare Haunter himself, who goes by the name Revaarn. The creature reveals that he was indeed born of Leah's fears and insecurities, but without purpose in the Deep Ethereal, he wondered for a time before stumbling into the Plane of Dreams. There he grew stronger by feeding off of nightmares.
  • The battle ensues, and most of the group are able to reach each other. Eva finds herself in a bad way, badly wounded and drained of most of her strength.
  • Revaarn is ultimately defeated, and as his body returns to the ether from which is was formed, the world around the party shifts, returning to the more peaceful Plane of Dreams.
  • Adonia speaks once more, congratulating Leah on defeating Revaarn and confirming that this was the reason the goddess gifted the Eladrin with her powers.
  • The goddess of emotion directs the party to a curtain that leads them back to Kureta City.
Report Date
07 May 2021
Primary Location


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