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Episode 6

General Summary

The group continue their investigation into the recent string of murders in the city. They return to the Order's HQ to speak to Gerry, the investigator on the case, to fill her in on their findings and ask if the cause of Ursela Lefrane's death had been determined. It turns out, Ursela was killed with poison - a deadly concoction derived from Nightshade. Nightshade can only be found in the Deddo Forest, and so it's possible that some may have been imported from the City of Pain, where such things may be harvested.   The group head over to the marketplace, where they are told to look for a man called Salim, who has been known to deal with the city of monstrous creatures in the past. By a stroke of luck, they find Salim's brother, who directs them to the man in question.   Atlas approaches the merchant, and subtly asks if he has any Belladonna - unknowingly calling Nightshade by one of it's nicknames. The man, somewhat surprised, tells Atlas to meet him in a nearby ally in half an hour to do business.   Atlas and Veda enter the ally, to find Salim with an imposing bodyguard. The rogue purchases the remainder of Salim's supply, having apparently sold the rest of his last batch to somebody else. Before concluding their business, Salim invites Atlas and Veda on his next trade mission to the City of Pain as bodyguards, should they wish to make some money.   Once Atlas returns to the group, Godric and Eva make their way into the ally to confront the man. Eva manages to magically convince Salim to reveal who he sold the rest of the Nightshade to, and he tells them it was a short half-elf wearing grey, though he did not catch their name. Realising he has been charmed, Salim ducks behind his body guard as the hulking man moves to attack the Knight. A very brief battle ensues, before Eva convinces the brute to leave the ally, again using magic. Salim, thoroughly confused, takes the opportunity to leg it.   Seemingly making progress in the case, the group make their next stop at the Church of The Goddess, to see if anybody, particularly half-elves, have been in recently with injuries. Atlas takes this time to commission a new weapon at one of the many blacksmiths in town.   At the church, they meet with Safana Grey - an elderly half-elven woman wearing grey robes. Safana is the chief volunteer at the church, and is happy to answer some questions for the group.   She reports that nobody has come in with any injuries recently, just the usual illnesses and ailments. She also can't think of any particular half-elves who match their description, though does comment that it could be anybody.   As the group go to leave, Godric manages to take the woman aside under the pretence of wanting some help in his worship. The rest of the group take this time to search the office. Nothing of interest is found, until a piece of parchment with a black fingerprint on it is discovered to have traces of Nightshade.   The group then head to Safana's home. Here they find all the evidence they need. A detect poison spell shows there to be Nightshade everywhere, leading to a basin in the bathroom that seems to have been used for potion making as well as a secret hatch in the bedroom - containing 3 daggers and 5 lower jaws - 1 more then there have been murder victims.   The group rush back to the church, to find Safana has fled. With chances of finding her by themselves slim, half the group rush back to Safana's home, whilst the rest make their way to the Order's HQ to fill them in.   Safana has not returned home it seems, and the Knights are mobilised to search the city for the elderly woman. The group are rewarded for a job well done by Commander Ariadne, who also offers to introduce them to the private investigator Drake Chosa - should they wish to pursue a career in solving mysteries. The commander instructs the group to leave this in the hands of the Knights now, and so they take their leave.   With only a couple of hours to spare before the mayor's party, the group split up to take a short rest, and get themselves dressed appropriately. With their newly purchased formal wear (courtesy of Veda's mother, Nera at the Masters of the Weave) the group reconvene at the mayor's estate. The mayor's aide - Harris Kanes - welcomes them inside and leads them to a grand ballroom where many guests have already arrived - some familiar faces amongst them.   The mayor introduces the party to Weddy McDowel, the renowned explorer who has discovered the Ruins of Akai. After a brief discussion on what to expect on the next expedition, Weddy suggests they meet up again tomorrow to discuss the finer details. As more guests arrive, a loud voice bellows above the crowd "Well if it isn't little Milly!"
Report Date
11 Oct 2019
Primary Location


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