BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 67

General Summary

  • Leah returns to Galadriel's home with Seth’aril and introduces him to the party.
  • Seth is made to feel quite awkward and decides to leave.
  • Galadriel gathers the other 3 council members, and a meeting is called to discuss Leah's mission and the current situation of Tel'Nelath.
  • Leah gives her report to the leaders of Tel'Nelath - explaining everything that happened with the Shadow Witches, including that it was The Creeping Night who wished to close the Fey Crossroads.
  • Leah concludes that the Shadow Witches plans have ended it seems, and the council confirm that the disturbance with nature has indeed ceased.
  • The topic is changed to the current situation of Tel'Nelath - the statue of Amaya has stopped communicating, and the Selesnya Conclave have been coercing folk away from the camps.
  • Twilight Fall suggests that perhaps Leah's friends could investigate the statue, as they bring a range of different magics with them from Kureta.
  • The party ask whether there has been any sign of an army marching through the Feywild, and reference the Nakaban horseshoe they found.
  • Feldorn Tel'Ari, leader of the spring camp, remembers that an elf called Wren recently joined Tel'Nelath and said that he hailed from somewhere called Nakaba. She will point out his home to the group.
  • A group of angry townsfolk approach the meeting, led by a Summer Eladrin. The newcomers demand to know what will be done about the camps' issues, but are quickly shut down and turned away by Ruenya.
  • With the meeting mostly concluded, Ruenya asks Leah to follow her back to her home to discuss something privately.
  • The rest of the party are taken to the statue of Amaya by Galadriel, where they carry out a quick investigation. The statue seems wholly mundane, with no magic upon it or signs of anything being tampered with.
  • At Ruenya's home, Leah is told about the camp's biggest secret - the founder of Tel'Nelath, Amaya, still lives. Ruenya takes Leah to a secret pocket plane on the Feywild, where a nondescript wooden home stands amid the trees.
  • Inside, Leah is introduced to a human woman who looks very much like an older version of the statue of Amaya. 
  • It is revealed that Amaya has lived for many many years, thanks to the magic of the Ring of Summer. When she settled Tel'Nelath centuries, possibly millenia ago, she taught the first settlers how to live in a community - teaching them basic skills to run a village and using the advanced knowledge of her home world to help them thrive.
  • The people came to lean on Amaya for everything, but being a human, she could not lead them in person forever. Amaya eventually left Tel'Nelath, but used her statue as a means of providing support after she had "moved on". The tradition of gaining the statue's approval for relationships evolved out of this, and Amaya has upheld the support through magical means for all of this time.
  • But Amaya now believes that her time has come. She has nobody left on her home world of Faerun, and wishes to join her old friends and family in the afterlife.
  • Ruenya, being the leader of summer and the defacto leader of Tel'Nelath in Amaya's eyes, is the only person who knows this secret. Amaya had asked if Ruenya would take her place, but the summer leader refused the offer - believing herself unworthy of the role as someone who has no worldly experience.
  • Amaya then suggested that Leah could potentially take over, as someone who had shown some magical potential and perhaps wouldn't object to a secluded lifestyle.
  • It was agreed to send Leah on a mission outside of the Feywild, in the hopes that she would gain the experience of the wider world and herself that would be needed to take this position.
  • With Leah's return, Amaya presents the opportunity for Leah to take the Ring of Summer and become the new Amaya. She would gain all of the powers of the ring, including immortality, but would be required to live a life of isolation, for the ring's power is too great to risk being discovered by anybody else. Leah would become the source of guidance and blessings for Tel'Nelath.
  • Amaya makes clear that this is not a demand, that Leah is free to choose if she wants this or not. If Leah refuses the ring, Amaya will take it back to her home world to be destroyed before living out the rest of her days in Faerun.
  • Amaya suggests that should Leah not take this ring, this could be an opportunity to change the way of thinking within Tel'Nelath. She believes that the tradition of seeking approval for relationships is perhaps one that should be changed anyway - but warns that there is always resistance to change.
  • Leah is given time to think about her decision, but is asked to not take too long as the situation in Tel'Nelath is getting worse.
  • Meanwhile, the party go to speak with Wren. They find him tending a patch of giant purple pumpkins, and ask him a few questions. Godric notices that Wren covers his arm when the party mentions tremors and other such things in Nakaba.
  • In true Godric fashion, the tiefling throws Harris the cat at Wren, and notices an arcane tattoo when the elf instinctively catches the cat.
  • Wren asks if he can get back to work, and agrees to meet the party at the The Blushing Bride inn later that day.
  • Veda, who also noticed the tattoo, lets the group know that he had a Nakaban control tattoo.
  • The group head to the Blushing Bride, while Atlas lets himself in to Wren's home.
  • In the house, Atlas finds a lockbox containing 2 daggers, some lock picks and a note written in dwarvish. The note instructs someone to spy on Princess Irena Orbeck
  • Leah meets the group at the inn, and lets them know about her current situation - leaving out the existence of Amaya and the Ring of Summer, as instructed.
  • The party are not too thrilled about the prospect of Leah living by herself for eternity, which seems to be the way the Eladrin is leaning.
  • Marty heads to the bar to get a drink and pulls Atlas along with her. She reveals a diary to the Changeling, asking him for advice on something. Atlas suggests that Marty should "do something".
  • A disgruntled Godric heads upstairs to speak to Verana Mavros, who is currently sleeping off her rabbit ordeal.
  • Godric asks about some voices that he's been hearing in his head. Verana suggests that the voice that sounded like him but wasn't him, could be someone using magic to communicate, and doing an impersonation to make him think it was his own voice.
  • The other voice, she is more concerned about. The warlock of Wrath thinks that perhaps the Nakabans were on to something when they wished to use Godric as a weapon. Verana offers to look into it when she returns to Nakaba, looking for her own answers.
  • Godric then asks about Morgana's transformation, and whether magic could change him into a human, or other race. Verana tells him that it is possible, and if it is something that he really wants - she will help him do it. Though she doesn't think there is anything wrong with the person he is now.
  • Back downstairs, Godric speaks to Leah once more about her situation, before getting riled up and smashing part of the table. As wisps of smoke rise up from where Godric struck the table, he storms out to speak to Leah's mother, or possibly punch her. Not knowing where Ruenya lives, he heads to Galadriel's home instead.
Report Date
10 Sep 2021
Primary Location


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