BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 75

General Summary

  • As the party enter the Plane of Water, passing through the gate beneath the Dora Lake, each of them find that they have a bubble of air around their heads. These air bubbles seem to be finite however, and must be replenished as they go
  • The adventurers make their way through the underwater tunnels, encountering a huge shark which they handily take of
  • Behind the shark is a source of this strange magical air, which the party use to replenish their air supply
  • Continuing on, Eva notices that the next section of the cave has a very fast flowing current. The group decide to jump into the current, seeing where it takes them
  • The party ride the current in a circuit, discovering a hole in the ground at one point, another place to replenish air, a room to the east with a slightly open door, and the source of the strong current - which seems to be too strong to even try to swim against
  • Back at the start, the group decide that they would like to investigate the slightly open door first. The stronger members of the party swim furiously to get out of the current, pulling everyone else along with them
  • The water in this room is a slightly green colour, which proves to be poisonous. Searching the room, Marty finds a lever. Pulling the lever causes a loud clunking sound from somewhere within the complex, and the sound of rushing water ceases for a second, before continuing. Unsure of what happened, Marty pulls the lever again
  • Not finding anything else, and slowing being poisoned, the group leave this room, riding the current back to the beginning once more
  • Their next plan is for Eva and Godric to ride the current, and Dimension Door behind a closed door in the larger chamber - avoiding the source of the strong current
  • The pair successfully arrive behind the door, and continue exploring. Moving into another chamber, they are attacked by 5 Water Elementals
  • The duo hold off the creatures for as long as they can, while the rest of the group attempt to ride the current and join them
  • Before they can get there to help however, things start to take a turn for the worst - leaving Eva no choice but to Dimension Door herself and Godric back to the start
  • Regrouped once more, the party spend a while trying to figure out their next course of action. During this time, Atlas casts Catnap, putting half the party to sleep and holding their heads up in the air supply
  • Marty has a sudden realisation that perhaps by pulling the lever twice, she undid whatever the lever was supposed to do. The party head back to the poison room and pull the lever once more
  • Back into the current, they discover that the flow has reversed. Riding the water now takes them backwards, and around the other side of the large chamber
  • The party avoid the Water Elementals for now, instead moving through the cave and discovering another air source, as well as a giant clam. Forcing the clam open reveals a large pearl, which Atlas estimates to be worth at least 1000GP to the right buyer
  • The party then head back to the Elementals, easily defeating them this time
  • In the following room, they discover a large gem in a chest. Atlas identifies the gem to be a key of some kind
  • Heading back up the cave, the group are attacked by some sentient seaweed, which fails to grab any of them - except for Marty. Marty brutally deals with the weeds with a quick Blight spell, instantly destroying them
  • At the end of the cave, the party swim trough a tunnel, alerting the 4 giant sharks on the other side to their presence...
Report Date
17 Dec 2021
Primary Location


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