BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 83

General Summary

  • Niam Diggol leads The Unlikely Association to the southern mountain pass into the Igma Mountains. He warns the group that it may get cold the further up they go, and so the party put on whatever extra gear they had to hand.
  • Alfonse, the wolf, takes the lead, sniffing his way up the winding path into the mountains. The temperature begins to drop, as various forms of wildlife are spotted
  • Godric begins to feel the chill, as the party push on and encounter a recent rockslide blocking the path. The party begin shifting the rocks but are attacked by camouflaged stone giants. The giants pose a mild threat, but things get dicey as one of the giants throws Alfonse over the cliff. With some quick thinking, Marty zooms off on her broom to slow the wolf's fall, as Eva manages to telekinetically bring the creature safely back to the path
  • The giants are defeated, the rocks cleared, and the party continue on the trail
  • Further ahead, the path begins to narrow, seemingly worn away by weather and rockslides. It seems continuing on the path will be very difficult, particularly for the 4-legged wolf. Atlas enables everyone with the ability to spider-climb however, bypassing what would have been an awkward situation with some angry mountain goats coming the other way...
  • Continuing on the path, the group come across a discarded cabbage. Alfonse relays to Niam that the scent of the Hippogriff is strong on the vegetable, so Atlas climbs up the mountainside to investigate the ledge above them
  • Atop this cliff, Atlas spies a group of trolls harassing some metallic bull-like creatures. As the rest of the party climb up, one of the trolls spots Atlas and goes to grab his head
  • Battle ensues, and the party defeat the trolls (a number of which are yeeted off the side of the mountain)
  • During the battle however, the monstrous bulls had been breathing out some kind of green smoke in an attempt to defend themselves. Not seeing the party as their saviours, the adventurers are subjected to the gas, which petrifies Veda, Niam and Alfonse
  • With the danger not yet passed, the party continue to defend themselves against the metal beasts...
Report Date
22 Apr 2022
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