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Shinato is a mysterious Fey being, currently residing in the Tanken Woods. It is believed that this is the fabled "beautiful man" that many have spoken of in the past.   The Archfey is currently engaged in a game of "cosmic hide and seek" with Quintella Vess. The rules are a bit unclear, but the pair have been travelling the multiverse in an attempt to find one another. It seems that they are currently very close to ending the game, with both of them now being in Kureta.   Shinato granted Marcoh magical abilities as his warlock patron. Marcoh then proceeded to attempt to raise a cult in Chimuk, under the guise of the Church of Sol. It seems like these actions were of Marcoh's own volition.   Leah of The Unlikely Association encountered Shinato in the Tanken Woods when trying to return to the Feywild. Sensing some witchly magic about the Eladrin, Shinato blocked Leah from returning home until she did him a favour. She bade Leah and her comrades to explore an old wizard's tower to the west, where he suspected his rival was hiding out. Leah completed the task, and was allowed to travel to the Fey.
Divine Classification
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