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Kureta is the nation in which our heroes will meet. It is an advanced country in terms of its economy, military, magical prowess and government and as such is seen as a bastion of civilisation, at least to those who live there. Flanked between a large ocean to the east and a vast mountain range to the west, Kureta is somewhat cut-off from its neighbouring countries. For this reason, the nation relies heavily on trade between its own cities and towns to remain prosperous. Trade between other nations is rare but does occur from time to time and usually includes the trade of rare or interesting items.   Kureta's two neighbouring countries are called Polemis (to the south) and Sonkai (to the north). On the other side of the mountain range to the west of Kureta is a nation called Colere, but there is no direct route to this nation from Kureta.

Demography and Population

Estimated population of 450,000.


Throughout Kureta, worship of The Pentheon is commonplace.

Agriculture & Industry

The government is funded by a combination of business taxes and property tax. Any business (and trading as mentioned above) is taxed by the government - essentially you pay a tax to have a business within one of the cities. This tax is based on several things, including the amount of wealth the company produces, its size and location. Those who own property within one of the cities or towns will pay a tax based on the size and location of their property. Nobles therefore tend to pay the higher portion of this tax as they usually have the largest mansions or keeps. Cities, towns, and even some villages will also impose their own taxes from anything ranging from "traveller's tax" to "wagon tax". It is illegal to charge taxes based on income.   The wealthy will often use the central bank in Kureta City to store their gold - this bank is magically secure and has only once ever been successfully broken in to once, long ago.

Trade & Transport

Kureta relies heavily on trade between its cities and towns, and for this reason relations are very well kept.   Kureta City is the main hub of trade, and all trading caravans travelling from the north to the south (or vice-versa) must travel through The Capital and pay taxes. Kureta City's main export is labour and crafts. It is a city of learned folk with a huge amount of expertise in all things, including smithing, construction, Magic, crafts, etc. For large or complicated works across the country, it is common for an expert or team of experts from The Capital will be hired.   Kureta City's other export is crafted goods, such as weapons and armour, clothing, furniture, etc. In exchange, the city imports 90% of its food and other basic materials.   The Bounty Mine supplies a large amount of stone, metals, and gems to The Capital whereas Okin and Kaiz are The Capital's largest suppliers of lumber.   Smaller towns and villages supply a large amount of food to The Capital and fish is exported throughout the country by the trio of coastal cities (Takari Peak, Nakaba and Hiku City).


Mages attend schools much like modern day secondary schools. They begin at age 10 and work their way up through the years until they have mastered their craft well enough to find work. Each year they pick which subjects they would like to take, whether it be potions science, healing, self-defence, elemental control (in which you specialise in controlling one particular element), telekinesis, etc. All mages are given the opportunity to learn all kinds of spells, though what they choose to learn at school is what they generally excel at. The magical skills they learn whilst at school are aimed to help young mages find a career once they have completed their education. For example, those proficient in potions science would become alchemists. Those proficient in telekinesis would make excellent constructors. etc.   For mages, attending school is mandatory so that students learn to control their powers, and use them safely. How well they do in their studies is entirely up to them.   For non-magically gifted children, basic schooling is provided free of charge for families who pay their taxes. This schooling lasts until the age of 10, and children are taught the basics of reading, writing, basic maths, etc. From age 10, children are expected to find work. Typically, this would be with their parents - be that on a farm, wood-cutting, scribing, etc. Children of this age are of course given simpler tasks and will earn a much smaller wage. When a child reaches their 20th birthday, they are given the opportunity to attend higher education. This secondary schooling is not free and is usually paid for by the money the child has earned in the 10 years that have spent working.   It is believed that by this age, a child will have gained the life experience necessary to know who they want to be. Lessons include a wide range of subjects, from agriculture and economics to military tactics and science. Many children find that they enjoy the work they have been doing up until this point and will choose to continue on their current path - finally earning a proper wage or even a share of the family business. For others, the chance to learn new skills and find more specialised work is a day eagerly awaited.

Mythology & Lore

Tenets of Faith

It is incredibly rare to find a person who does not pray to one of these goddesses daily. Many people will worship The Goddess as a normal way of life, in the belief that she will generally protect them from evil and keep them healthy.   Worship of the other goddesses is less common, but still common enough to keep them all relevant. Unlike pantheons of other realms, the five goddesses are fully believed by the general population to exist. They are facts of life and preying to them will influence the world. Whether this is true or not, people generally prefer not to know. They will take signs from the world around them that their prayers have been heard and interpret them as they will. Most of the time these are mere coincidences, sometimes they are not.   Praying to certain goddesses can either be frowned upon, or even unlawful. But this doesn't stop people. Being a deeply personal thing, prayer is often undertaken in private and so many whispered prayers reach the ears of the likes of Mortona and Adonia, when it is perhaps best they are not. These prayers are often muttered in desperate times.


Within Kureta, women are often viewed as the dominant sex - though there is no gender discrimination or bias in this realm. The reason for this view is due to the all-female pantheon of deities - the 4 goddesses.   Women are more often found in positions of power and authority for this reason. For example, a queen would always sit on the throne before the next available king. Women are predominantly in charge of most things of import, such as trade, schooling, and war. This is the accepted status quo of the land and is in part due to the education system.   Men are not looked down upon however, and the disparities between the sexes are minimal. The general population accepts that everybody has their role to play, and people are encouraged to work to their strengths, regardless of gender, race, or background. Men of Kureta are generally physically stronger than women and are more commonly found working in roles of physical labour - such as farming, mining, and the military (although higher ranks within the military are usually filled by women).


There is no organised religion in Kureta. Churches and temples exist only for prayer, and as a place to go for advice or healing. Healing and other clerical spells are offered for a fee, with the money earned going towards upkeep of the churches and helping the needy.   Historically, any attempt by a person or group to start an organised religion has turned out to be a cult, and eventually has been shut down by the authorities.


  • Takari Peak
  • Kureta City
  • Nakaba
  • Mintaun
  • Nistaun
  • Hiku City
  • Kureta
  • Chimuk
  • Aztaun
  • Kitaun
  • Okin
  • Kaiz
Geopolitical, Country
Training Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
The currency of Kureta is referred to as 'Kurens', which includes copper, silver, gold, and platinum coins.
Major Exports
  • Skilled Labour
  • Crafted Items
  • Meat
  • Gemstones
Major Imports
  • Exotic Food
  • Stone
  • Oil
  • Metals
Legislative Body
Judicial Body
Executive Body
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations


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